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  1. H

    Pre lockdown ride ?

    I totally agree to with Steve i will riding both my bike usually solo i hasten to add. Just as long as common sense is used then no harm is done in my view. Plus i can just imagine the authorities really bothering chasing me up over the moors in their little Hyundai panda car!!;) BTW yes i am...
  2. H

    What is supposed to happen when a tec pack goes flat but internal is full?

    Yup. Mine is the same. I wish once the tec pack was used up it would then automatically switch over to the internal battery but it doesnt you have to disconnect the lead from the tec pack to the bike and restart bike unfortunatly. Dave.
  3. H

    Washing stand?

    That's not exactly like my decathlon one. But looking at it i would imagine it will have similar dimensions.
  4. H

    Washing stand?

    My cheapo decathlon stand works fine on my Focus Sam2, my missus Focus Jam2 both 27.5'ers and also works fine on my Trek Fuel 29er
  5. H

    Washing stand?

    Hello There. i just slid a couple of 18" lengths of metal tubing i had kicking about that had the similar I/S dia as the O/S dia of the stand then put a couple of slits in and secured the extension pieces to the stand with a couple of jubilee clips = Job done. Just remembered i did also put a...
  6. H

    Washing stand?

    I,ve been using one of these for the last year - 15 - Cycling - Adjustable Rear Bike Stand Bargain price £12.99p however it was a bit unstable with ebike on it. So extended the base legs and now super stable.
  7. H

    Hello from Pendle. Focus Sam2 owner.

    Hi Guys. Thought it was about time i joined this forum as i had been viewing it for a year or two now. I,ve been mountainbiking now for approx 25years and about 14 month ago i took the plunge and bought a Focus Sam2 from my LBS (Wicked Bikes, Colne) after getting very fedup with trying to keep...