Recent content by Murch

  1. Murch

    Levo Gen 3 Levo Gen 4 2023/4/5/6 Rumours...

    Well for the past year it’s been all about SL type bikes so the cycle now is switching to full bikes.
  2. Murch

    Levo Gen 3 Levo Gen 4 2023/4/5/6 Rumours...

    It’s always interesting when people assume that because something works for them, it should work for everyone. We all ride for different reasons, and what I value in an e-bike might be different from what you prioritize. More power might not matter to you, but that doesn’t mean it’s pointless...
  3. Murch

    Levo Gen 3 Levo Gen 4 2023/4/5/6 Rumours...

    Since 86, raced, coached, etc
  4. Murch

    Levo Gen 3 Levo Gen 4 2023/4/5/6 Rumours...

    I have been riding ebikes for 6 years now and I am always at full power and everyone I ride with is the same.
  5. Murch

    Levo Gen 3 Levo Gen 4 2023/4/5/6 Rumours...

    So I take your answer is no. I have over 2k miles on my transmission, no parts replaced, perfect shifts, turbo 99% of the time, and zero adjustments or changes needed. No need to think of shifting at any point on any ride. Crashed, beaten, and ridden hard daily, well worth the cost.
  6. Murch

    Levo Gen 3 Levo Gen 4 2023/4/5/6 Rumours...

    Have you ridden and used Transmission?
  7. Murch

    Levo Gen 3 Levo Gen 3 - What Size Do You Tall People Ride?

    I'm 6'2 myself and for my 2019 I rode the XL and with my 2023 I went with the S6. The reach was long comparing the two, I ended up changing the stem to a 35mm from the stock 55mm and that made it very comfortable, and I really love the longer wheelbase of the S6 along with more room to move...
  8. Murch

    Levo Gen 3 Where To Buy Brose XO Eagle Transmission Groupset?

    Here are my setup MT7 with pod MT5 with GX paddle MT7 With XO paddle
  9. Murch

    Levo Gen 3 Where To Buy Brose XO Eagle Transmission Groupset?

    Tried it the other way and the angle was way worse, I will take a pic of my current setup to compare.
  10. Murch

    Levo Gen 3 Where To Buy Brose XO Eagle Transmission Groupset?

    Do you have a picture of it setup?
  11. Murch

    Levo Gen 3 Where To Buy Brose XO Eagle Transmission Groupset?

    Not sure this would work as the Magura has the bolt pointing down and the looks like it needs to be putting towards the rider to work. This is the clamp you mentioned?
  12. Murch

    Levo Gen 3 Where To Buy Brose XO Eagle Transmission Groupset?

    I followed the app and it listed 118 for when I input High setting, it was until a day after that I thought about running it in low and the app then showed 120
  13. Murch

    Levo Gen 3 Where To Buy Brose XO Eagle Transmission Groupset?

    Only catch on the chain length is if you want to run the 36T and in the low setting it shows you need 120 length vs the 118 length for the 36T in the High setting. So I cut mine to 118 and if I want to run low I have to switch to the 34T chainring.
  14. Murch

    Levo Gen 3 Where To Buy Brose XO Eagle Transmission Groupset?

    I found the old shifter fits better for me as well, the new bracket for the Pod I could not get in a good place with my Magura MT7
  15. Murch

    Levo Gen 3 Where To Buy Brose XO Eagle Transmission Groupset?

    my local shop ordered it last month and it came in on the 12th