Recent content by Jallu

  1. Jallu

    Dengfu E22 Frame Thread

    Thank you for your kind help Neeko, you're an absolute legend! I thought that they could be the same, good to hear that’s the case! Looking forward to the day that CANBus can be fully cracked. Time to invest in BESST tool then. I currently don’t even know what wheel size is set for my M620...
  2. Jallu

    Dengfu E22 Frame Thread

    Hi all, new here. Thanks to this thread I’m starting to build my E22 soon. I first ordered UART M620 48 V but sadly I got CANBUS version instead. It seems that seller list UART models but can’t provide them, since Bafang apparently doesn’t make them anymore. There is also CANBUS M620 52 V...
  3. Jallu

    lot's of things to do, too little time

    Yo what's up? I'm not a native English speaker so sorry for my possible grammar errors! Thanks for having me here! Seems like a great community! I'm currently building diy TSDZ2 to my old 2014 Kona Honzo frame. Still waiting some parts to arrive. In future, I'm planning to build Dengfu E22...