Recent content by Bearing Man

  1. Bearing Man

    New bike or repair.

    No problem, we have hundreds of cases, it's a relatively common repair for us. Also, if for any reason your motor is beyond economical repair, you can part exchange it with us against a new or factory remanufactured motor, we can also supply these upgraded.
  2. Bearing Man

    Sorry for the late response. For some reason the site has stopped sending me notifications, so...

    Sorry for the late response. For some reason the site has stopped sending me notifications, so your question went un noticed! It sounds like your crankshaft is beginning to rust to the torque tube. This also fills the ratchet teeth with muck and can cause them to slip. There are two other...
  3. Bearing Man

    KSL Underperforming

    Gradual power loss is not something we know of in a good motor. However, motors with failing bearings, stiff or corroding gearing will feel less and less powerful as the power is robbed by friction within the motor itself. Also, check wheel bearings, brake drag, tyre pressures etc. Because...
  4. Bearing Man

    Bosch CX Gen 2 questions

    There is definitely not enough room for a seal on the non drive side of this motor. As you can see from the state of your seal, it has been crushed into the left hand crankshaft bearing. I would be gobsmacked if the left hand bearings seal has not been damaged by this. We use a stainless steel...
  5. Bearing Man

    Alternative Grease for servicing the CX seal.

    The Bosch motor grease is not the correct grease for the clutch bearing, but it will do the job. And yes, the Bosch grease is good for all gears in the Gen 2 motor.
  6. Bearing Man

    Bosch Gen4 Seal Service & Grease up

    Can I just ask, why don't you guys just use the Bosch grease?
  7. Bearing Man

    Brose S-Mag E01680-100 vs. -200: Real Hardware updates ?

    The Dayco belt is not for general release yet, same as the polymer belt before it. It's currently only for factory fitment and there is no dealer release date at this time.
  8. Bearing Man

    Gen 4 Rebuild by with pics

    We do use a very thin smear of white grease on the ratchet. More to damp it a little than anything else. Thanks for the coffee by the way! Much appreciated.
  9. Bearing Man

    Newbie to forum, sharing an inconvenient truth about the e-mtb industry, specifically specialized

    There's a lot happening in the eBike world that will eventually solve all these issues. Firstly, find a new LBS! Diagnostics and updates are most definitely available for the 1.3 motors. There's good news coming for owners of Specialized and Brose powered eBikes. We have been working behind the...
  10. Bearing Man

    Gen 4 Rebuild by with pics

    The answer is: No... The motor "rattle" is caused by backlash in the gears and sprag bearing. Our new upgrade for this motor takes the play from the crankshaft and adds a tone of water resistance to some of the most sensitive parts.
  11. Bearing Man

    Gen 4 Rebuild by with pics

    The electronics are fairly robust, so unless they get wet, the sensors are usually good. However, there is a photo cell cadence sensor on the bottom of the torque sensor. This registers the movement of the cadence cage (reluctor ring if you prefer) attached to the crankshaft. If this sensor is...
  12. Bearing Man

    Gen 4 Rebuild by with pics

    I would agree, it would seem the torque sensor is not recognising your input. In answer to your questions: Plastic Bushings – The old ones were completely worn out, so I replaced them with new bushings. These new ones are much softer, although the manufacturer claims they are widely used in the...
  13. Bearing Man

    Shimano EP8 bearings

    Or you could buy good quality bearings or EP8 bearing kits from us or any of our other partners worldwide.
  14. Bearing Man

    Levo Gen 2 Are Brose & Specialized Fixing Their Motor Problem ?

    This has now changed and Specialized shops are told they have the option of using us for sustainable repair as we are now the trusted service partners for Specialized. This is also being rolled out worldwide through our partner network.
  15. Bearing Man

    Levo Gen 2 Are Brose & Specialized Fixing Their Motor Problem ?

    Perhaps my constant warnings against pressure washers, deep water, car racks etc. Is starting to pay off. Or maybe because we and our partners around the world are upgrading thousands of predominately off road motors 🤔