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  • Hi Tony4wd,
    In relation to your post about a shop unlocking your Orbea Rise EP-801RS, is there any chance of getting the details of the shop? I'm on the east coast of Australia and haven't been able to track anyone down who can do it.
    Thanks SilverFox1
    My bike is the 2022 ep8 RS and I bought it from crooze.com.au but the shop changed owners and doesn't deal with Orbea now. The original owner (and person who helped me out) shifted to work for Electric Bikes Brisbane (who do sell Orbea) so maybe you could try them?
    I've since found that I can use emax mobile (free download) to set the EP8 to 85nm and 500W peak power. I don't know if it can be used for the EP801 as well?
    Thanks Tony4wd,

    I’ll look into that. Unfortunately I have upgraded the firmware on my Orbea to 4.4.1 which means emax doesn’t work because of the added shimano “features” that lock the ability to adjust the power.
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