Pic of the Day


Wedding Crasher
Nov 5, 2018
Lincolnshire, UK
Back in to Pines territory, I came across a big timber stack. I could not resist a typical pic.
Merida and log stack.jpg

Then I discovered where the timber had come from!

Top of Tornado Alley.jpg

That is at the top of Tornado Alley, and it just clipped the start of the trail. So now we have a new start section! It's actually an improvement, about 20 yards. I know, it looks a sea of devastation, but harvesting the trees is what the Forestry Commission (now Forest England) was set up to do. It will settle down; new trees will be planted and in twenty years you will never know the difference.
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Wedding Crasher
Nov 5, 2018
Lincolnshire, UK
While I was pootling across the Coal Board Land, I realised that I was using features that I will call way points to help me navigate. When I've not had time to commit to memory all the turning points it's good to have recognisable features to jog the memory. On a straight bracken lined trail, which one of the many tracks leading off left and right is the one I want? Often the one I want is hidden by foliage depending upon the time of year.

Here are a few of the way points:

Waypoint 7.jpg

That is some kid's lost toy, about 15" across.

Waypoint 1.jpg

How the hell did a kid's bike of that size get all the way out there?

Waypoint 2.jpg

That is a big tyre and again, how the hell did it get there?

Waypoint 3.jpg

I think that is a helium balloon, nice and colourful!.

Waypoint 5.jpg

There is no obvious stump that the log came from, but the local Police use it to train for when they are pursuing illegal motor bike riders. @myapes and I have seen half a dozen of them a few times. As witnessed by the gouges in the log, not all of them make it.

Waypoint 6.jpg

That is a great way point, except it is pointing the wrong way!
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🔱 Aquaman 🔱
Nov 4, 2020
South East Northumberland
A bit of a pootle around Sherwood Pines, but mostly across the old rail bed into Coal Board land. I was looking for some new bits for an upcoming guided ride. I came across this wreck of a car (yep, It's in there!) How long must it have been there for it to decay to that state?

View attachment 117651
It looks like an Austin Alegro !


Well-known member
Apr 10, 2023
It is beautiful up there 👍

The steyning trails are great too, if a little extreme for a novice.
Even the blue run is pretty difficult but I'm getting faster every time.

There are some massive features, if you're an experienced ride/jumper I suspect you'd have a lot of fun up there.

Ebike is a must though, the push up is a killer!


E*POWAH Elite World Champion
May 2, 2022
Chichester, W.Sussex, UK
I frequently ride from Chichester up to the South Downs Way then drop into the West Dean Estate where there are lots of trails and bridleways, but I'd never make it there without an eBike.

On Friday dropping back through Venus Wood (yes!) followed a rough track until I came to this fence which I figured I'd have to lift the bike over (or go back) ...


... until I figured out that the overgrown gate could be opened! 20230609_160916.jpg
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Well-known member
Apr 10, 2023
Something I like about Chanctonbury ring, within two minutes of it, there trails named heart attack, tight crack & ring sting.
You got me intrigued, where are they?

I know there are a couple of trials off to the right hand side as you come up changtonbury hill from the car park and the old lions trail is to the left.


E*POWAH Elite World Champion
Jul 22, 2020
Heart attack in yellow, ends at Wiston estate car park
Ring Sting green.
Tight crack pink, drops you at the A24 if you follow it to the end. From there, you can cross the road & head into Worthing Crematorium & find a trail that has a yellow gate at the bottom of it. Follow it up a steep climb & it brings you out at a field where you can turn right to head back towards the south downs way or left through a gate back towards Long Furlong/Worthing.

Heart attack downhill is steep & dog rough with deep ruts in places, definitely take care. Ring sting is loose gravel but fast downhill & tight crack is a short, fast singletrack which is pretty overgrown now - got twatted by a branch on it last week. As with all SDW trails, beware of people, some of those trails have blind corners & dog walkers, runners, horse people etc. are everywhere.

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🍊 Tango Man 🍊
Mar 7, 2019
El Scorchio here today so decided on a grand tour tying in my various local runs and also test battery range . Good day but MC sometimes plays up so no exact final tally. I checked it was still connected a lot of times and it was but it has went aglae the last 12 miles at top of Bin Hill is last I can confirm at least so I can't figure out the total mileage. Guessing add another 10 . So 43 miles at least and I also went Turbo last 6 miles so ???? . Anyway that's 8700 miles about 240 charges from that battery I'm thinking I can't complain about that. May have to do it all again next week if the weather keeps up.

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E*POWAH Elite World Champion
May 2, 2022
Chichester, W.Sussex, UK
penguinni said:
. Had a quick scoot out to try out new forks ( took a punt on the half price Pikes at CRC/Wiggle - so far so very good)

Yeah, a price war has broken out for even current stuff, and not only biking gear, virtually everything. Great time to buy if you have the cash ...

Edit: correct quote
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E*POWAH Elite World Champion
May 2, 2022
Chichester, W.Sussex, UK
Well, I'm out for awhile. Had a fast paced off a shoulder landed on a root. Surgery later today, getting plated. MTB wins vs collarbone!

Double collarbone fracture. Wife did that going OTB of an off road bike, piece of collarbone also severed an artery. Had to be air medevacked off Salisbury Plain, she was lucky to live through it.
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