Since buying my bike at Christmas I've never been off the thing, every day its either been a local training route around the park ( 11 miles) or weekends for 25-40 miles.
Honestly, people that say these bikes are for the unfit are narrow minded. I've gone from using big power modes to riding in off and eco on the same routes and lost over 2 stone and never been fitter
That was until about 6 weeks ago, last logged ride was the the 23 June
Over the lock down i was out every day, some epic some average, since getting back to work and other general maintenance work around the house plus having a new toy in the garage I've neglected the EMTB.
Every week that goes by I feel my fitness level descending and all that hard pedal work I've put in disappearing.
Don't give up on me guys I'm sure its only a blip but I just wondered if anyone else has gone from obsessive riding to zero
it doesn't help when you've discovered every trail there is to offer in your surrounding area, maybe time to throw the bike in the van and head out to new adventures.
Honestly, people that say these bikes are for the unfit are narrow minded. I've gone from using big power modes to riding in off and eco on the same routes and lost over 2 stone and never been fitter
That was until about 6 weeks ago, last logged ride was the the 23 June
Every week that goes by I feel my fitness level descending and all that hard pedal work I've put in disappearing.
Don't give up on me guys I'm sure its only a blip but I just wondered if anyone else has gone from obsessive riding to zero