Lack of motivation .


Dec 27, 2019
Since buying my bike at Christmas I've never been off the thing, every day its either been a local training route around the park ( 11 miles) or weekends for 25-40 miles.

Honestly, people that say these bikes are for the unfit are narrow minded. I've gone from using big power modes to riding in off and eco on the same routes and lost over 2 stone and never been fitter :) .

That was until about 6 weeks ago, last logged ride was the the 23 June :( Over the lock down i was out every day, some epic some average, since getting back to work and other general maintenance work around the house plus having a new toy in the garage I've neglected the EMTB.
Every week that goes by I feel my fitness level descending and all that hard pedal work I've put in disappearing.

Don't give up on me guys I'm sure its only a blip but I just wondered if anyone else has gone from obsessive riding to zero :unsure: it doesn't help when you've discovered every trail there is to offer in your surrounding area, maybe time to throw the bike in the van and head out to new adventures.


Old Tartan Bollocks
Mar 29, 2018
the internet
Severe lack of motivation to ride (bikes) hits me from time to time too. Unfortunately I never get to go to zero riding as I commute 80-100miles a week year round which ironically only contributes to the problem with lack of motivation to go actual mountainbiking in my free time
Sounds like the novelty of your new toy has faded along with your free time being cut down. Ebike novelty factor wore off for me a loooong time ago now.
I wouldn't worry about it the bike will still be there waiting for you when your motivation returns.
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Oct 31, 2019
I've had a similar drop in the last few weeks. I think as I can combine 2 or 3 of my old favourite rides I've kind of done them to death a bit. I think i just need to find some new routes really. Trouble is I can't find any locally. Although I can go much further on an ebike time is becoming the restraint now.


Dec 27, 2019
Severe lack of motivation to ride (bikes) hits me from time to time too.
Sounds like the novelty of your new toy has faded along with your free time being cut down. Ebike novelty factor wore off for me a loooong time ago now.
I wouldn't worry about it the bike will still be there waiting for you when your motivation returns.
Yep, all new toys have a novelty factor, some last years though lol. The last comment is very apt, you are indeed correct and I actually motivated myself to wash it yesterday so it now sits clean and ready for action when time and motivation set back in (y)


E*POWAH Elite World Champion
Jul 10, 2019
Pleasureville Ky
I find working on trails a good break from riding them. It's still good excercise, requires a different set of tools, and skills, and always leaves me with a sense of accomplishment. Even when I do no more then walk and toss sticks, it is with purpose, and often that is all I require to step up my mood.


E*POWAH Master
Feb 17, 2019
Sadly I can't get enough and every chance I can I'm on it but my body isn't up to the task and my back is taking a hammering from riding trails all the time. Also it's costing me a fortune in maintenance.


Dec 27, 2019
I live around the Notts/ Derby boarder, to be honest I ride alone and don't no anybody that's into riding mtb. Without sounding antisocial ( which I am) its best that way, I've got and had far to many hobbies where you need to inform others of what your planning so they can tag along, it becomes a pain.
Much better to able to just rely on your own time line than organise it around others :). Saying that it would be nice maybe once a month to have an adventure to join with others given the time.
I've just looked at my kiox display, it would appear I have covered 1628 miles since 25th December , I'm not sure if that's average or a poor effort but I do intend to kick back into it.
While the bike is nice and clean I intend to get the new bosch update done when I get time to book it in. More motivation to get out and try it plus an excuse to wait until its done lol.


Active member
Sep 10, 2018
San Diego, California
So interesting thread as I had similar experience riding my local trails. I was getting a little
bored riding the same stuff so started riding the trails backwards and linking up different
ones to make something new. It worked for a little while but then they opened a DJ park
near me so I bought a new DJ bike and now I mix it up and ride the Decoy one day and the
DJ bike the next. It's actually refreshing to have a few different types of riding to pick from.


Jul 27, 2020
I've gone through this in other sports. One thing is to keep an eye on your mental health. That's not a joke. One sign of depression is no longer finding joy in what you used to. Look, there is a lot going on these days and most of it is new stuff we have never had to deal with before. Maybe make a date with your bike. Thurs 6pm, you're going for a quick ride. But don't be hard on yourself. Sometimes you may find you put off other stuff to ride and now that other stuff can't continue to be put off, even if it's a nap in the hammock.


Active member
Sep 10, 2018
San Diego, California
Zudnik I totally agree. These are trying times and what was once
normal is not anymore. If at all possible try and keep a schedule to
go riding. Trying to keep some resemblance of normality is important
and keeping a riding schedule is one way of doing that.
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Wedding Crasher
Nov 5, 2018
Lincolnshire, UK
I live around the Notts/ Derby boarder, to be honest I ride alone and don't no anybody that's into riding mtb. Without sounding antisocial ( which I am) its best that way, I've got and had far to many hobbies where you need to inform others of what your planning so they can tag along, it becomes a pain.
Much better to able to just rely on your own time line than organise it around others :). Saying that it would be nice maybe once a month to have an adventure to join with others given the time.
I've just looked at my kiox display, it would appear I have covered 1628 miles since 25th December , I'm not sure if that's average or a poor effort but I do intend to kick back into it.
While the bike is nice and clean I intend to get the new bosch update done when I get time to book it in. More motivation to get out and try it plus an excuse to wait until its done lol.
Come to this Rideout, it's not that far from you. Most people will not know each other, yet the humour and piss -taking is enormous fun. The ride will be good too.



Dec 27, 2019
Come to this Rideout, it's not that far from you. Most people will not know each other, yet the humour and piss -taking is enormous fun. The ride will be good too.

Cheers steve i may be there time dependant, we should be on holiday that week but the way work is going I may not make it. Will drop you a pm closer to the date (y)


Oct 9, 2018
Clapham, London
I think that's fairly normal mate. I wouldn't get too despondent. 1628m is a hell of of a lot of riding!!

Most people manage 1-2 times a week if they are lucky..

I know you say you don't want to but I would try and find others to ride with, it amplifies the fun 10 fold. I honestly don't ride alone now I find it boring. If you get in a casual WhatsApp group with a few other riders they aren't dependant on you, you can just chime in as and when you want to and will probably show you stuff you haven't seen. Bike days out etc.

+1 for the mental health side of things. Usually, the first thing to get ditched is the things you enjoy the most and make you feel good, and then it's a vicious circle.

Take it for a quick after-work blast if you can. I've never felt less happy after going for a ride!


Captain Caption
Jan 4, 2020
Furness, South Cumbria.
I’m sure the Muc Off product development team read this forum. Look out for a suitable cleaning product coming your way

Too late; they have been beaten to it..................



Jun 12, 2019
Brittany, France
So it's like a group ride hydration pack (they say you shouldn't drink your own pee, but they never say it's not ok to drink someone elses)...
A tyre inflator (with sealant), a body protector, an airbag and a gravity powered mechanical high pressure incontinence rapid relief system ?

Why doesn't everyone have one ?


Captain Caption
Jan 4, 2020
Furness, South Cumbria.
So it's like a group ride hydration pack (they say you shouldn't drink your own pee, but they never say it's not ok to drink someone elses)...
A tyre inflator (with sealant), a body protector, an airbag and a gravity powered mechanical high pressure incontinence rapid relief system ?

Don't forget insect and bear repellant.


Jun 12, 2019
Brittany, France
Also might be useful to deter bike hijackers.
Wearing a shirt with a large warning that you have one ? Is a thief going to want to get into a tumble with someone when there's a risk of an explosively torn bag where you end up covered in sh1t from head to foot ? Far more effective than money dye !

Or used as a sort of anti personnel protective weapon ? Like Mace ? (Mainly Anally Conceived Excrement)

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