Levo stays dead, battery blinks - what does it mean!?


Active member
Feb 13, 2019
Berg en Terblijt, The Netherlands
After an awesome ride through a ton of mud and water, my Levo won't turn on anymore.

Battery charges fine.

The TCU stays dead, but I noticed the lights blink when I press the TCU button. (The blinking stops when I release the button)

And yes, I cleaned and dried the battery connector and TCU.

Anyone know what the blinking leds mean?
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Paul Mac

E*POWAH Elite World Champion
Jul 9, 2018
When my one did this, it was the battery cable again.
I've had three cables now!
I had different problem last week, where you couldn't turn the power off, that was a new motor.


E*POWAH Elite World Champion
May 16, 2019
.....in which case I would suspect your problems are not faulty power cables. A power cable is pretty easy to check with a multimeter for continuity resistance and short circuit. In those cases where the plug connector at the motor end has cracked water ingress can certainly cause a short but if there is no damage any problem would almost certainly be with the end connections or be a fault not related to the power cable.


E*POWAH Elite World Champion
May 16, 2019
After an awesome ride through a ton of mud and water, my Levo won't turn on anymore.

Battery charges fine.

The TCU stays dead, but I noticed the lights blink when I press the TCU button. (The blinking stops when I release the button)

Anyone any idea how to fix this before I return this bike *again*?

(And yes, I cleaned and dried the battery connector.)
So what happened to the bike after the ride? It worked ok on the ride. I assume you washed it? Depending how you did that your problem may be related to the TCU. I would remove it....check the connectors are dry whilst doing that. Check the usb plug is firmly in place. Unplug the USB plug and put the Tcu somewhere warm to dry out in case water has got in. Leave for 24 hours and refit....see if that helps. I would tape it up and fit a gasket between the TCU and frame.


Active member
Feb 13, 2019
Berg en Terblijt, The Netherlands
I - gently - hosed it and rubbed it with a sponge. No power washer or whatever. I tried to turn it on to check it, then I noticed the problem. (Unfortunately, this is far from the first time - I've had my share of cable problems, usually with a blinking TCU red/blue led. Just this particular one, where the TCU stays dead and the battery blinks is new for me.)

I removed the TCU dried everything with a hair dryer from some distance.
I removed the crank, motor cover and dried the battery cable and tcu cable. Cleaned them.

Nothing, still the same error.

I love the levo for what it can do, but this is really, really unbecoming a €7000 mountain bike.
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🍊 Tango Man 🍊
Mar 7, 2019
I - gently - hosed it and rubbed it with a sponge. No power washer or whatever. I tried to turn it on to check it, then I noticed the problem. (Unfortunately, this is far from the first time - I've had my share of cable problems, usually with a blinking TCU red/blue led. Just this particular one, where the TCU stays dead and the battery blinks is new for me.)

I removed the TCU dried everything with a hair dryer from some distance.
I removed the crank, motor cover and dried the battery cable and tcu cable. Cleaned them.

Nothing, still the same error.

I love the levo for what it can do, but this is really, really unbecoming a €7000 mountain bike.
I'm finding disconnecting the battery and leaving for a day or two seems to upset every thing due to dampness. Also the bend in the cable puts tension in cable and the plug to motor may be getting ppushed or pulled the wrong way. I took cover off and pushed plug and away it went no problem. As I said before these cables not designed to be pulled out and in 3 times a week.


E*POWAH Elite World Champion
May 16, 2019
I - gently - hosed it and rubbed it with a sponge. No power washer or whatever. I tried to turn it on to check it, then I noticed the problem. (Unfortunately, this is far from the first time - I've had my share of cable problems, usually with a blinking TCU red/blue led. Just this particular one, where the TCU stays dead and the battery blinks is new for me.)

I removed the TCU dried everything with a hair dryer from some distance.
I removed the crank, motor cover and dried the battery cable and tcu cable. Cleaned them.

Nothing, still the same error.

I love the levo for what it can do, but this is really, really unbecoming a €7000 mountain bike.
Using a hairdryer will not dry out any moisture inside the TCU....it needs to evaporate and escape. Unplugging the TCU USB plug and then putting the TCU in a warm place with the USB uppermost will eventually allow warm air inside to condense the moisture. It could take a couple of days. Another way would be to place it in a sealed container with silica gel that turns from yellow to green when saturated. ( The TCU may of course not be the cause of the problem but it is worth eliminating).


New Member
Nov 10, 2019
Same problem here, did yours resolve?

100 mile round trip to arrive at mtb park and bike wont start. Otherwise its back to LBS this week for Warranty hopefully but not becoming of an expensive machine.
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🍊 Tango Man 🍊
Mar 7, 2019
Same problem here, did yours resolve?

100 mile round trip to arrive at mtb park and bike wont start. Otherwise its back to LBS this week for Warranty hopefully but not becoming of an expensive machine.
Yes worrying I had bike on van other week drove 30 miles minus 5 c without wind chill , started ok but always in the back of mind . Got new power cable was ok today. I have the time to maintain but if you have not washing bike covered in mud in dark then dry before you go to work in morning would be a nightmare. Me and my bike no time for anything else.


Jul 21, 2019
I'm having the exact same problem at the moment, rode it new year's day then put it away. Charged the battery last night with no issues and now it won't start at all. Dropped it at the Lbs hopefully they can find the fault, crazy that these bikes are struggling with the UK winters..


New Member
Nov 10, 2019
I'm having the exact same problem at the moment, rode it new year's day then put it away. Charged the battery last night with no issues and now it won't start at all. Dropped it at the Lbs hopefully they can find the fault, crazy that these bikes are struggling with the UK winters..
Mine was shorted battery to motor cable, firmware upgrade and factory reset. Pick it up this weekend. Not wash induced!


🍊 Tango Man 🍊
Mar 7, 2019
I'm having the exact same problem at the moment, rode it new year's day then put it away. Charged the battery last night with no issues and now it won't start at all. Dropped it at the Lbs hopefully they can find the fault, crazy that these bikes are struggling with the UK winters..
Yep battery out battery in too cold in shed . Some folk taking bike in house in winter I could just hear the wife if I tried that. It's a thought putting it on bike rack if it's sub zero. Yes still a bit to go for Ebikes and wet UK weather.


E*POWAH Elite World Champion
May 16, 2019
My bike and my wifes bike are usually stored in my double garage. It faces south and is built with thermoblock but obviously not heated. As an indication of how damp it gets in there in the winter my bike stand and tools are in there..including a roll of shop towel. I went to use some the other day and it was like it had been dropped down the loo! You can nust imagine the degree of damp created in an ebike put away with a mix of ally tubing and hot electrical components. The battery, motor, and battery to motor cable will be warm.


🍊 Tango Man 🍊
Mar 7, 2019
My bike and my wifes bike are usually stored in my double garage. It faces south and is built with thermoblock but obviously not heated. As an indication of how damp it gets in there in the winter my bike stand and tools are in there..including a roll of shop towel. I went to use some the other day and it was like it had been dropped down the loo! You can nust imagine the degree of damp created in an ebike put away with a mix of ally tubing and hot electrical components. The battery, motor, and battery to motor cable will be warm.
Yes your right there all things considered we are asking a lot really of the bike.


E*POWAH Elite World Champion
May 16, 2019
I keep my bikes in the house from October onwards. It also makes it easy to occasionally switch on and check when they are not used for a few days. Even so I am keen on preventative measures as far as damp/water ingress on the electrical components is concerned. I use my bike throughout the winter but I think if was going to lay it up for a few months anywhere but indoors, until Spring, I would remove the power cable, battery and TCU and store them indoors and cover the bike in a fleece.


E*POWAH Elite World Champion
May 16, 2019
PS I made enquiries with Spesh rider care concerning the new cable. It is now apparently available but their initial response was that if I wanted to change it I should get my LBS to do it because the new cable also has a new routing method. They also pointed out that my firmware ( I assume TCU) needs updating...……….not sure why given everything works fine and it was only LBS serviced in October. I have nevertheless suggested they merely send me the cable with some basic install instructions ( how hard can it be/ a LBS mechanic is not going to have any more experience or info than me to change it!!). So it does seem that both the design and the reverse loop installation of the existing cable is what is contributing to the cap cracking.....and maybe why some experience problems whilst it is OK for others/maybe most, just dependant on how the cable was installed originally.


Nov 12, 2019
Same problem here, did yours resolve?

... back to LBS this week for Warranty hopefully but not becoming of an expensive machine.

Yessir, that's a real concern, especially for those (like me) who shop hard on used bike gear to save a bundle. I've always done so: for cars, boats, motorcycles, toothbrushes (not) and it's been just fine, if you know what to look for and don't mind a little gamble for what you can't know for sure.

And yet...
...this eMTB tech is so new and dynamic and has some black box components beyond the average Joe, so it just might pay to go to a retail LBS or dealer website to ensure you get that precious warranty and shop/mechanic relationship started. Just don't drink all their Kool-Aid about being indispensable or "there for you".

My buddy's (from fancy engineering family, heaps of gadget-savvy) got VeloCare insurance for his, on top of the bought-new warranty, and he's really made use of both, because it's an ebike. Yet, he still must advocate for himself often to nudge the LBS to honor it or more favorably interpret who's at "fault," but it's got me thinking more warmly of the retail option for this benefit.

After a few more generations of this ebike tech, the patterns of fault will reveal themselves, especially with continued sharing and vigilance from us all on forums like this. Then, used purchasers can be better informed and know where to look for the weak points in used kit.

I did try, this year, to engage one local LBS for a new second (spare) battery, but the snootiness of the owner upon hearing I had already bought a used eMTB (he was selling the same Levo Carbon model for $3k more, making a huge show of it with signage), and that I was also considering purchase of a used spare battery, was less-than-endearing.

So I tried a different LBS, strictly to test this idea of making a mutually beneficial connection with a local retailer. I purposely didn't shop price beforehand, and just bought their high-end cluster and a bikepacking seat bag from them. Then I came home and was bummed to see that they fully gouged on price on both items, being way (not incrementally) over-priced compared with every single on-line option for the same kit.

I think on-line vendors are people too, and the thousands of folks who save $ via supporting them are also people, all equally worthy as tiny group of folks working at any LBS. On-line vendors also deserve patronage and respect, they're just engaged in a different (very competitive and price-transparent) business model.

In my experience, an LBS is a good, but limited option, and so much more enjoyable when they avoid projecting an identity of indispensability or displaying disdain for others who are equally adept at slugging it out in the marketplace.

It's great to have options. It's advisable for an LBS to realize where they're authentically of service and sufficiently customer-focused, and where they simply are not. Case in point: I hear amazing things about Berkshire Cycles, in the UK, and it's really elevating to hear such joy among their customers, which is felt all the way over on this side of the pond. More LBS's could study that model and perhaps thrive thru emulation of it.

I hope the LBS never dies, and just gets better. May it be so!


🍊 Tango Man 🍊
Mar 7, 2019
I keep my bikes in the house from October onwards. It also makes it easy to occasionally switch on and check when they are not used for a few days. Even so I am keen on preventative measures as far as damp/water ingress on the electrical components is concerned. I use my bike throughout the winter but I think if was going to lay it up for a few months anywhere but indoors, until Spring, I would remove the power cable, battery and TCU and store them indoors and cover the bike in a fleece.
PS I made enquiries with Spesh rider care concerning the new cable. It is now apparently available but their initial response was that if I wanted to change it I should get my LBS to do it because the new cable also has a new routing method. They also pointed out that my firmware ( I assume TCU) needs updating...……….not sure why given everything works fine and it was only LBS serviced in October. I have nevertheless suggested they merely send me the cable with some basic install instructions ( how hard can it be/ a LBS mechanic is not going to have any more experience or info than me to change it!!). So it does seem that both the design and the reverse loop installation of the existing cable is what is contributing to the cap cracking.....and maybe why some experience problems whilst it is OK for others/maybe most, just dependant on how the cable was installed originally.
I got a new cable from Berkshire cycles 2 weeks ago still same length but flat in the bit that bends and that bit beefed up a bit , so not so much tension in it I think . Was away for festive so only used it twice.


E*POWAH Elite World Champion
May 16, 2019
So were you told anything about routing the cable differently? I think the plug only fits into the motor port one way so I assume the cable still does a loop above the port to get over to the battery port.


🍊 Tango Man 🍊
Mar 7, 2019
So were you told anything about routing the cable differently? I think the plug only fits into the motor port one way so I assume the cable still does a loop above the port to get over to the battery port.[/QUOTE Not told anything but must have been obvious or I would have made a mess of it . Will check in morning and take a photo and post it.


🍊 Tango Man 🍊
Mar 7, 2019
So were you told anything about routing the cable differently? I think the plug only fits into the motor port one way so I assume the cable still does a loop above the port to get over to the battery port.
No cable is flat in middle and beefed up where it bends , still same length but not as fiddly to route.


Jul 8, 2019
Same symptoms on my 2019 Levo Carbon Comp, LBS has just confirmed a split internal power cable, new one arriving Tuesday under warranty. They’ve had a few since Xmas with exactly the same issue, maybe there’s a 12-18month shelf life for the mk1 power cable? Hopefully the view version is more durable.


Well-known member
Aug 8, 2019
Take the TCU out the frame and into the house for at least 24 hours. If its not that then you will need a new power cable.

I have the new version power cable which is shorter and has been sealed with the same stuff they use on jetski’s.


Jul 8, 2019
Take the TCU out the frame and into the house for at least 24 hours. If its not that then you will need a new power cable.

I have the new version power cable which is shorter and has been sealed with the same stuff they use on jetski’s.

Do you have a photo of it? I’m interested in the changes they’ve made. No worries if not ?


🍊 Tango Man 🍊
Mar 7, 2019
Take the TCU out the frame and into the house for at least 24 hours. If its not that then you will need a new power cable.

I have the new version power cable which is shorter and has been sealed with the same stuff they use on jetski’s.
Interesting your new cable is shorter got mine 15th December same length but flat in the bit in the middle . That's 3 versions now


Active member
Feb 13, 2019
Berg en Terblijt, The Netherlands
I've had this problem a few times now. Yesterday I had an appointment with the dealer and the motor-battery cable was replaced under warranty. (Which instantly solved the problem, less than 10 minutes work.)

The LBS said it was the 5th case this week, just in their shop.

Apparrantly there are a lot of faulty cables in 2019 levo's that start to fail now.


Well-known member
Aug 8, 2019
Do you have a photo of it? I’m interested in the changes they’ve made. No worries if not ?

New one at bottom


Jul 8, 2019
I've had this problem a few times now. Yesterday I had an appointment with the dealer and the motor-battery cable was replaced under warranty. (Which instantly solved the problem, less than 10 minutes work.)

The LBS said it was the 5th case this week, just in their shop.

Apparrantly there are a lot of faulty cables in 2019 levo's that start to fail now.

Same thing my LBS said, they’ve had exactly the same issue on a few bikes in the last few weeks.

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