TQ Rider Input Wattage Error


New Member
Apr 22, 2024
I have done over a 1,000 miles on my Fuel EXE with no issues other than the rider wattage over reads my power (but its quite flattering!)

My wife bought a Fuel EXE 4 months ago (previously had Powerfly for 3+ yrs) and the rider wattage display shows zero when pedalling on the flat and only with more pedal effort the displays jumps to 40 watts. If we ride side by side, my rider wattage display is constant at say 90 watts whereas her display shows zero then 70 then 40 then 80 then 35 etc. We've swapped bikes and the displays continue to behave like this. We've also noticed that the motor output on her bike is not giving the same assistance.

The bike has been back to the dealer (who has been very good) twice and I've just collected it to find that the display is doing the same despite a new motor being fitted. I'm working today so have not had time for a longer ride but wondered if any other Fuel EXE owners had experienced similar issues.


Handheld Power Tool
Jun 10, 2020
Coquitlam, BC
I’ve also purchased the Fuel EXE about 4 months ago. I haven’t seen another one in the wild for a side by side comparison with assist levels. I only have my Rail CX Bosch performance motor for comparison. Different animal and a different purpose …I know.

The assist percentage, or level, seems to be fine in each different mode for my type of riding. It’s the assist response time that has me a little puzzled. I’m set to a “quick” response, but I still must travel a few meters before any assist kicks in.

My Rail behaves differently, but it doesn’t lurch when I’m in eMTB mode. It’s fast but gradual …or maybe I’m just use to this behaviour. I would like the TQ motor to respond a little faster …but I’m maxed out, in the app, for response time/delay.

Other than that, I don’t pay much attention to my wattage input …🤷‍♂️



Aug 3, 2020
I still must travel a few meters before any assist kicks in.

Mine is the same when you first power on the bike, it takes a few pedal revolutions for the motor to provide assist, but as long as the bike stays switched on, subsequent pedalling from a stop results in near instaneous (maybe within a quarter of a pedal stroke) assist from the motor. If I turn the motor off then back on again, it takes a few pedal strokes to wake up.

The newest firmware (released last month) has smoothed out the power delivery a little too I think, but it's a subtle effect.


Nov 20, 2022
Bad Tölz, Germany
My Fuel EXe reads consistently about 50% too high compared to Garmin X200s … if the motor thinks I am inputting high powers, will it cut off all the sooner?

I would like to see a ‚multiplier‘ in the app settings so that I can adjust to approx. correct.


New Member
Apr 22, 2024
My Fuel EXe reads consistently about 50% too high compared to Garmin X200s … if the motor thinks I am inputting high powers, will it cut off all the sooner?

I would like to see a ‚multiplier‘ in the app settings so that I can adjust to approx. correct.
My understanding is that the motor delivers power at the assistance % you have set; ie if you are inputting 150 watts and you have the assistance at 50% the motor will deliver 75 watts. If the assistance was set at 200% the motor would deliver 300 watts (provided that is the power level you’ve set)
My bike overheads the rider wattage which isn’t a problem as I can dial back the assistance level. The issue comes when the rider power level under reads as is the case on my wife’s bike. With the assistance % at 200 she has to register 150 watts in order to get the full 300 watts of motor assistance.

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