Tec Pack cable connections


New Member
Oct 4, 2019
Northridge, CA
Has anyone had trouble with the cable coming loose while riding and the system shuts off? This is a recurring issue with my bike. Went to shop and they said all is good but first ride out and I could not keep the cable tight enough. Eventually gave up while in the field and limped back. I have since fully charged and next ride I'll have Electrical tape tightly wrapped around the connection. We'll see...

The design of the cable seems to hinder it's ability to stay on. They should have reversed the plug on opposite sides, or give a little more flex in the cable.


Wedding Crasher
Nov 5, 2018
Lincolnshire, UK
I have a Jam2. I haven't used the Tec pack a lot, but I've had no problems at all with the cable coming loose at either end.

On a bike I owned for a few days until it was returned because it was not as specified, the keeper plug that covers the charging point was weak. It was as though the magnet was weak or poorly positioned. It was very easy to dislodge, and my concern was that it would fall off during a ride. There was a thread on this very topic about a year ago. But the plug on the bike I have now is a very firm connection. I have to remove my gloves and make sure that my fingers are dry so that I can get a good grip on it. I often have to use two hands! Given that these things are mass produced for many uses other than just for Focus bikes, there should be no problem with the plug, so I'm thinking it was the frame connection (which, for non Focus owners, is underneath the top tube).

So, is the plug on your charging point weak? If so that may explain why the TEC pack cable is coming loose. I can stretch to one ROPD connector being faulty but not three! (one at each end of the TEC cable plus the plug).

If it is coming loose at the frame connection, instead of tape, try a zip tie. Just tight enough to secure the cable, but loose enough to slide back and allow removal of the cable. How do you stop the plug from falling off?

It looks as though this could be a warranty issue that should be easy to fix. I suspect that the charging point may need to be re-positioned closer to the outside of the bike (to get closer to the connector), or maybe even replaced.

Note: This is not an area of expertise of mine, just trying to help. Others please chip in. :)


Mar 4, 2019
I've used my tec pack maybe twenty times without issue, I have had issues with it turning on first time though, unplugging and plugging back in usually sorts that.

Maybe a velcro type strap would be better, you can pull it really tight but it's also easy to remove and quite wide.


Wedding Crasher
Nov 5, 2018
Lincolnshire, UK
It reminded me that I got a tie strap with my mtb magazine that would be perfect for the job. It was intended for things like tool packs, pumps etc, but it would do the job above. I don't need it right now, but I might need it for something. All I have to do is to find it now! :giggle:

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