Blanchland , Northumberland 15.4.23

The Hodge

Mystic Meg
Sep 9, 2020
North West Northumberland
*RIDING AGAIN 15.4.23*
The wrong way around at 10.00am on the main car park in Blanchland.
More details to follow but a quick explanation about the " wrong way around "..over the years when tackling this route we have more often than not followed a certain direction ..well not this time ..what were techy descents will now be climbs & vice versa..
More of a route description later ( when I've got a bit more time ) ๐Ÿ˜‰
Either 26 or 18 miles depending on range / conditions ..
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The Hodge

Mystic Meg
Sep 9, 2020
North West Northumberland
Jaco has also confirmed ..
OK lads get yer ti..sorry I mean maps out ..
Touch points :-
Start Blanchland car park ...heading out towards Pennypie House but we take the first b/way on the left to Cote House Farm ..crossing over Birkside Fell onto the Carriers Way heading towards Slaley Forest but taking a b.o.a.t down Embley Fell to Devils Water.
Crossing over ( think there is a usable footbridge but just in case pack a couple of carrier bags) ..
Road up to Broadwell House where T.R to next junction ( 1.5km) T.L up to Kingslaw Plantation and straight over Lilswood Moor ( usually a classic rocky tech downhill...this time a climb..) to Hangman Hill..where its decision time ( 26mile or 18mile ) ..
I will let you digest the route so far and come back later with an edit to update ..
Edit: 26 mile route..
Hangman Hill over Pikeley Rigg / Broad Way to Fellside ...On to Spartylea and a naughty shooters track over Sinderhope Carrs to Ladle Well turn left to the junction of b/ ways below Stobbs Cross turning right to follow the b/w all the way to Burntridge ..over the Ford onto the road turning right onto the Salmon Fields / Aydon Shields b/w..turning right at the road then left onto the Rawgreen b/ w...climbing up to Viewley then the boat (which Wayne is looking forward to ๐Ÿคฃ) which climbs along the edge of the Forest..turning left at the top onto a fire road through the forest and then right onto Acton Fell / Blanchland Moor to Pennypie House and down to the start in Blanchland village ..
The 18 mile option would be to turn right at Hangman Hill down to Ladle Well and follow the same route as previously described ..
Should be fun either way ..
I was serious about the carrier bags ..I will bring a roll of gaffer tape ..
Sound OK?
Anyone else ?
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The Hodge

Mystic Meg
Sep 9, 2020
North West Northumberland
Aldi mate ..they always add value for money ..however I havent had the opportunity to check if they have perforated holes in / freezer bags could also do the trick ..other than that strap a pair of wellies to yer back pack !๐Ÿ˜
It's not just the Devils Water crossing I'm thinking of ..but the hike a bog down from Ladle Well ..๐Ÿ˜‰

The Hodge

Mystic Meg
Sep 9, 2020
North West Northumberland
Looks like we could be getting wet tomorrow...although it looks to improve after the start & then gets worse later in the afternoon ..
Wind speed looks OK..but strong gusts ..
Hang on to your hats ..
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๐Ÿ”ฑ Aquaman ๐Ÿ”ฑ
Nov 4, 2020
South East Northumberland
Starting from left to right,
Jaco, Phil, Neil , Mike and Richy in what looks like a nice summer outing. This was anything but with gale force winds across the open North Pennines above Blanchland, numerous swollen river crossings, exposed singletrack, techy woodland singletrack and some techy rocky climbs this ride had everything. It was windy, cold, wet at times and very clartty across the b.o.a.t to Pennypipe farm. All that said it was an epic ride in great company.
Cheers Lads


The Hodge

Mystic Meg
Sep 9, 2020
North West Northumberland
Nice write up Wayne & some fantastic pics from yourself & Phil ..Great day out just sorry that Michael had "range issues " and had to cut loose half way around ..
My hero for the day was Jaco ..who while the rest of us were umming & aarring about the speed & depth of the Devils Water crossing calmly walked his bike across..getting his feet soaking wet for his troubles ..
Having seen that it was little more than ankle deep the rest of us rode our bikes across keeping our feet toasty dry !
Cheers mate ๐Ÿ‘
I will post some more pics later ..but being honest I'm completely goosed and nodding on the settee..โ˜บ๏ธ

The Hodge

Mystic Meg
Sep 9, 2020
North West Northumberland
Well rested & ready to go again ( next week )๐Ÿ˜.
The perfect blue sky is telling lies as to the true condition of the weather ..the rain pretty much held off apart from a ferocious 10mins in the latter part of the ride when we sheltered at the edge of Slaley Forest ..but the constant Gale Force wind had one or two of us taking an unplanned rest in the heather ..
Not too many pics yesterday ..
Wayne ..contemplating life and if singletrack really does get any better on The Carriers Way ..


Heading away from our 5min rest stop Wayne , Mike & Richy

After the crossing on the ford at Devils looked a lot deeper than it was due to the speed which the water was flowing ..( Jaco's the one with the wet feet )

Thanks again lads for your craic & company on a day when if you had listened to the forecast .. it would have been easier to stay indoors ๐Ÿ˜‰ 20230114_103328~2.jpg 20230114_111153.jpg
Oh bummer ..duplicate pics which don't want to delete !๐Ÿ˜
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The Hodge

Mystic Meg
Sep 9, 2020
North West Northumberland
This is the car park for a 10.30 start on Saturday ( Tony ..and anyone else who is not on our little WhatsApp group ) ..all welcome .
4 confirmed / 2 unconfirmed riders so far ..

Weather forecast looking good so far ๐Ÿ‘Œ
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Feb 27, 2023
Teesside UK
I rode up there on a sneaking day off work last summer. Loved the place, setting off from the reservoir and heading through Blanchland and up towards Slaley and then back down and up to and across Buckshott Fell.

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