After a recent ride finishing with a punishing decent down Walna Scar Road (above Coniston in the Lake Distict ) the main pivot bearings on the lower chain stays to the main frame were well past their best. Another 28 miles of trails in the Tweed Valley last weekend they were knackered.
They were last replaced by the supplying bike shop under the Whyte lifetime bearing replacement scheme and paid £40 labour, when I enquired about labour charge to replace the 10 pivot bearings it was going to be £100. Added to fact there was a 10 day lead time I decided to do the job myself, buying the bearings, a blind bearing remover and a tube of anti fret paste.
I have all the tools, cleaning materials and lubes from a past life which made things easier. On inspection 5 bearings were seized solid
The job was pretty straight forward, I just took my time, made sure everything was clean before reassembling. There was a couple of things I would do differently next time but hey ho that’s experience for you.
I also replaced the chainring, rear cassette, jockey wheels and chain so the jobs a good un’
My background is in nuts and bolts so the bearing change wasn’t a problem.
What I will say is the £100 labour charge from the shop was GOOD VALUE for the work involved, so what at first seemed expensive, wasn’t.

They were last replaced by the supplying bike shop under the Whyte lifetime bearing replacement scheme and paid £40 labour, when I enquired about labour charge to replace the 10 pivot bearings it was going to be £100. Added to fact there was a 10 day lead time I decided to do the job myself, buying the bearings, a blind bearing remover and a tube of anti fret paste.
I have all the tools, cleaning materials and lubes from a past life which made things easier. On inspection 5 bearings were seized solid
The job was pretty straight forward, I just took my time, made sure everything was clean before reassembling. There was a couple of things I would do differently next time but hey ho that’s experience for you.
I also replaced the chainring, rear cassette, jockey wheels and chain so the jobs a good un’
My background is in nuts and bolts so the bearing change wasn’t a problem.
What I will say is the £100 labour charge from the shop was GOOD VALUE for the work involved, so what at first seemed expensive, wasn’t.