A note to anyone who has bought/thinking of buying.
My bike came with a 2A charger that took 8.8 hours to charge from flat.
My LBS website said it was meant to be the 4A charger, but when I checked on the Whyte website, that said the 2A one is supplied with the bike.
My LBS has now looked into it and got me a 4A charger that will do the job in 4.5 Hrs, Whyte have since changed their ad.
So just a heads up to anyone that has the 2A one, take it back and they should swap it out?
My bike came with a 2A charger that took 8.8 hours to charge from flat.
My LBS website said it was meant to be the 4A charger, but when I checked on the Whyte website, that said the 2A one is supplied with the bike.
My LBS has now looked into it and got me a 4A charger that will do the job in 4.5 Hrs, Whyte have since changed their ad.
So just a heads up to anyone that has the 2A one, take it back and they should swap it out?