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Unanswered Who tuned Bosch CX Gen 4 with firmware and had no problems ?


Sep 16, 2020
I have this motor on my ebike, Scott Strike eRide 930 - 2020 edition but the firmware is My 25km/h it's ok for me but i had a couple of situations when i needed to be more speedy. I'm thinking about a tuning cip, Volspeed V3, but i don't need errors because i don't have a bike shop in my town to fix those errors and to upgrade the firmware. Some guys speak about to upgrade the firmware, others don't because you will have problems. I know. I assumed this when i bought the bike. It's someone here who tuned this motor with with a cip and had no errors problems ? I have 1000 km till now and no error. Some people tell me that it has errors even without a cip instaled, an error who detect the cip even if it does not have a cip installed (504 error). It's very weird, i don't have this error at all. I'm waiting your advices from your experiences. Please help a brother with this. I don't want to buy this cip in vain and make from a working ebike at one who needs bike shop asistance to be fixed. Thank you !


Well-known member
Jan 14, 2019
I’ve just deleted a couple of paragraphs explaining why I don’t think you should fit a hip or mess about with your motor settings. Cutting a long, boring, story short, if you want my advise, don‘t fit a chip, leave the motor settings alone and enjoy the ride. (it’s more likely to continue doing what it says on the tin).
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May 23, 2020
Qld Australia
You don`t need a shop to correct a 504 error .
Either ride in "limp mode " for 15 KM or connect a cordless drill to the crank and run it at low RPM for an hour and a half . Then turn off and back on and error is corrected . Though the event will be permanently stored in the firm ware . The 504 can be removed 3 times , then you need a BOSCH dealer on the 4th as only they can unlock at that stage .


Sep 16, 2020
I’ve just deleted a couple of paragraphs explaining why I don’t think you should fit a hip or mess about with your motor settings. Cutting a long, boring, story short, if you want my advise, don‘t fit a chip, leave the motor settings alone and enjoy the ride. (it’s more likely to continue doing what it says on the tin).

Please explain in few words why. Because sometimes i need to hurry up and my motor from my 27 kg ebike helps me until he detect 27km/h and after this i just struggle with my 27kg ebike weight :))))


Founding Member
Jan 21, 2018
Please explain in few words why. Because sometimes i need to hurry up and my motor from my 27 kg ebike helps me until he detect 27km/h and after this i just struggle with my 27kg ebike weight :))))
That's often because you are in the wrong gear. When you have assistance, you can push a much higher gear ratio than when you don't. This means that when the assistance cuts out it feels like loads of drag because all of a sudden you are doing all the work.

With regard to the original question, fitting any tuning device is a risk, you just have to decide if it's worth it.


Sep 16, 2020
For me is easy to pedal 100km with 27km/h for example. I have 12 gears. I want to go 100km/h easy with 30 or 33 km/h . Maybe i will cip my ebike. It's not very cheap and exist some risk, as you said.
Some advices ?


Well-known member
Jan 14, 2019
Ok, I’ve fitted a chip to my bike, Bosch Gen 3 motor, and have had no issues with it. Having said that I can’t remember the last time I used it.

However, a friend fitted a chip to his bike after about 6 months of ownership, Shimano motor, and it started playing up almost immediately. Lots of errors, breaking down all the time on trails, continually adjusting settings etc. Eventually he took it back to our LBS, multiple times with them making all sorts of adjustments. Eventually he had to replace the motor.

I have another friend with a Specialised bike, no chip fitted but constantly adjusting setting.

From my perspective the advantage of the Bosch motor, or at least the one I have, is that you can’t adjust any motor settings. So the only thing left to do is get on the bike and enjoy the ride without constantly tinkering with stuff.


New Member
Dec 31, 2021
I am riding tuned for months now on my Bosch Gen 4 with the latest firmware shredding the Dutch forest trails at 30 km/h twice a week. Speeding up hill while jumping over tree roots I have 200% more fun and drive longer and (of course) faster.
I had a severe skiing accident and had to do a long recovery. By purchasing an eMTB I had instant fun and as a speed lover I was rewarded by installing the tuning chip. Now I have not been as fit in years (I am 50 yo) and can go have fun anytime.

Many people say, why do you need electrical support in Holland when most is flat and climbs are doable. Well exactly that. I can get down hill like speeds of up to 45 km/h on flat trial sections. Jumps are great at that speed and I manage to go fast for 30km long in one run. I average about 23km/h with a quick stop here and then. I cannot imagine racing without my tuned eMTB anymore. Also I can always keep up or outperform my sporty 14 yo son who loves to go mountain biking with me.

My tuning chip is the SpeedBox V3.0 Bluetooth. They have great support and they managed to tune the Gen 4 without causing the error code over time. Easy to set it with your phone to make it undetectable/ invisible and set speed limits or track your rides. Or you can use the "walk" button to activate it. Speed limit is set to 99 km/h . My personal record is 58km/h trying to get flashed by a speed cam. It was on a deserted road with a bike lane next to it and I wont do it again, I promise.

I accept that if my Bosch CX motor breaks down that I will have to replace the motor and it will cost me about 700 euros. It is worth the fun.
My personal opinion is that the 25km restriction on an eMTB is ridiculous. If you are only racing it on MTB trails and disable it on public roads then the speed opportunity should be available. People are going very fast downhill so why not enjoy it all the time. BTW it is costing a lot of effort and fitness to do more then 30km/h for a long time with a tuned eMTB. It is not only the legs but the whole body for cornering and jumping.

No issues whatsoever with my setup since I installed it 800kms ago. I would recommend it to every serious eMTB racer as long as you can accept the potential damage of the motor pushing it to it's limits. For a 7000 euro bike that is an acceptable risk for me. As for safety. Yes I realize that I can hit a tree any day and break bones. I did BMX competitions as a teenager and need the challenge to feel alive. I work hard running multiple businesses and the risk of dying young with a coronary disease is always present. If this keeps me fit then I'll take it. And I think that people go fast downhill anyway. So not safer if you limit the eMTB. Public roads, yes! Don't activate your tuning mode.
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