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Answered Wheel circumference/diameter and turning radius (longer mullet vs shorter 29er)

Eddy Current

E*POWAH Master
Oct 20, 2019
Hi amigos there.

So my question is simple (dunno if that simple to answer) let’s imagine a mullet 27.5/29 ebike with 1210 wb and a full 29er with 1200 wb ... does they have the same turning radius? A 29er is normally 10mm more circumference than a 27.5 ... since bikes don’t turn like a compass is a 27.5 in the rear the same as a 10mm shorter chainstays with 29er ? Same head angle same all etc



Old Tartan Bollocks
Mar 29, 2018
the internet
Also a 29" tyre is around 19mm difference in radius to a 27.5 tyre of the same volume.

But thats not why the answer is No.

Ive no idea where you came up with just 10mm difference in circumference. It'll be more like 120mm. Hopefully you can now work out why the two different sized wheels turn direction differently
Last edited:

Eddy Current

E*POWAH Master
Oct 20, 2019
Thanks @Gary

But I would appreciatte some moar explanations I guess the shorter 29er wheelbase “wins” over the longer 27er chainstays is what you NO means. My brain is already busy all the time tryng to control my sphincter I probably will shit myself with your answer but hey, guess where im sitting now? Go ahead let’s do the maths

Eddy Current

E*POWAH Master
Oct 20, 2019
And why this mullet holly grial then? If a 27.5 rear cant compensate 10mm shorter chainstays is ridiculous lose the benefits of a 29er even on the rear ... marketing cheating again?

Eddy Current

E*POWAH Master
Oct 20, 2019
Look that cornering radius at the corner (heheh) is almost a draw but that’s no necessarily means “fake new” the 27.5 is more closer to 26 than 27.5, maybe is the front wheel the one wich actually takes the radius low


the whole thing is over there (scrub radius)



Jul 17, 2019
New Zealand
And why this mullet holly grial then? If a 27.5 rear cant compensate 10mm shorter chainstays is ridiculous lose the benefits of a 29er even on the rear ... marketing cheating again?
Is not a Holy Grail - is just another trend riders are sucked in to.

When it comes to 'mullet' I kind of laugh when I am told how it works so much better doing this or that. Just about every time I see a 29/27.5 setup I see maybe a 2.3-2.5 front tire and a 2.5-2.6 (even up to 2.8) rear tire. The reality is there is so little in it that probably 99.9% of riders could not feel any difference.
Now with a 96 mullet (the original) there was a more measurable difference so more riders would notice. Especially with most manufacturers having not come togrips with the new 29r wheels and geometries early on. With a 1.9-2.0 tire on a 29r rim and a 2.1-2.2 on the 26 rim there was a difference that could be felt. Now, whether that difference was worth having 2 different wheel sizes is arguable and while I seen many of them on the trails most people competing seemed to stick to one or the other.

Oh, did I mention 27.5 was just another way to con people into spending coinage on unnecessary trends?

Eddy Current

E*POWAH Master
Oct 20, 2019
Interesting stuff here. That cone thing is the answer but I’m not in the wc right now to figure out with 3D mental simulations!

Fuck that sissy gyroscopical leaning bullshit! My leaning balls are DH casings plus size! 1.5 kgs each!


Old Tartan Bollocks
Mar 29, 2018
the internet
99.9% of what sort of riders though? Certainly not particularly advanced and experienced ones.
TBF there's very little point even wasting time discussing more advanced bike set up in any detail with a rider who couldn't feel a difference in handling traits between a 29x2.3 and a 27.5x2.8 tyre out back.
But yeah.. Its certainly one more new thing for affluent mountain bikers to talk shit about and ponder over in the search for justification of their next bike purchase.
So just take their money. ?

Eddy Current

E*POWAH Master
Oct 20, 2019
Well a true mullet setup is both “equally“ tires dimensions

So the key here is the cone/leaning angle and maybe that scrub angle thing. @Gary i think your thinking is too ”compass” here ... we need to go deep in the subject. Right now my bet, a mullet 27.5 rear requires less radius to turn than a full 29er with 10mm less wb



May 23, 2020
Qld Australia
Is not a Holy Grail - is just another trend riders are sucked in to.

When it comes to 'mullet' I kind of laugh when I am told how it works so much better doing this or that. Just about every time I see a 29/27.5 setup I see maybe a 2.3-2.5 front tire and a 2.5-2.6 (even up to 2.8) rear tire. The reality is there is so little in it that probably 99.9% of riders could not feel any difference.
Now with a 96 mullet (the original) there was a more measurable difference so more riders would notice. Especially with most manufacturers having not come togrips with the new 29r wheels and geometries early on. With a 1.9-2.0 tire on a 29r rim and a 2.1-2.2 on the 26 rim there was a difference that could be felt. Now, whether that difference was worth having 2 different wheel sizes is arguable and while I seen many of them on the trails most people competing seemed to stick to one or the other.

Oh, did I mention 27.5 was just another way to con people into spending coinage on unnecessary trends?

Have you tried the Mullet set up yourself ?
I have a Levo Mullet I can certainly tell the difference with the smaller rear wheel . 2.5 front and rear .Wider [34 mm ] internal diameter on the rear rim . I also have a Kenevo with 27.5 wheels 2.6 / 2.4 .


Old Tartan Bollocks
Mar 29, 2018
the internet
Most competitive riders who buy into a mullet over a pure 29er don't do it solely for the difference in cornering.
They do it for tyre clearance because they are short, playfulness because they prefer that style of riding or feedback from the trail because they feel the 29" rear mutes what's going on a little too much. Or just because it's got into their head that other competitors are running it so they assume it must be an improvement.
You're not a competitive rider (no pure Ebike rider is) so you really have no need to worry about where it shines or doesn't. The difference isn't groundbreaking unless you're short. So the choice for you should be entirely down to your own personal preference. And I can't help you with that.

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