What mid-drive bikes would you suggest to a friend who is budgeting for a hub motor?

Dec 23, 2023
Moab Utah USA
What BB motor e-bikes would you suggest to an elderly friend who started considering e-bikes with a hub motor budget in mind?

I am about 10 years younger, in my mid-sixties, and own a Specialized Turbo Levo gen 3, so he thinks I know something about e-bikes. My friend is showing me examples of hub motor recreation bikes and asking me if they are any good, but I don't know anything about them, except for the fact that on the few pre-purchase parking lot rides I took on e-bikes I instantly appreciated the bottom bracket motor placement.

I explained that I would be more enthusiastic about recommending a bike based on a bottom-bracket motor system.

He is a former rider, so he appreciates the concept that a natural pedaling fee would be more enjoyable.

I don't know the price point where bottom bracket motors become the norm, and I do not know what brands represent bottom bracket designs in that category's lower price range.

I randomly picked this bike as a suggestion to gauge his reaction to the price, and he remained curious:

Do you have any suggestions for a low-priced but decent mid-size tire townie rec bike with a good motor feel for someone who has previously enjoyed pedaling circles?

Thank you.

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