Starting to look at replacing my old 2019 canyon spectral on that's getting on a bit now and I could do with a bigger battery.
What are the bikes of choice these days for general UK trail riding. I see a lot of Levos around but they used to be very unreliable is that still the case?
My Shimano e8000 motor has been great but I've read a lot of negativity on the newer Shimano motors.
Which would be your choice of bike/ motor ?lots around in the sales for around the 4k mark but I'm out of touch with what's good nowadays. Trek,cube,Whyte , Haibike,Specialized???
Thanks. Happy new year.
What are the bikes of choice these days for general UK trail riding. I see a lot of Levos around but they used to be very unreliable is that still the case?
My Shimano e8000 motor has been great but I've read a lot of negativity on the newer Shimano motors.
Which would be your choice of bike/ motor ?lots around in the sales for around the 4k mark but I'm out of touch with what's good nowadays. Trek,cube,Whyte , Haibike,Specialized???
Thanks. Happy new year.
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