What Do You Look for in an E-Bike?


New Member
Mar 18, 2025
Hey everyone! New brand on the block—Itstands here. 👋

We’ve been designing and testing e-bikes for a while now, but no one knows what riders truly need better than the community itself. So, tell us—what features make or break an e-bike for you? Long range? Powerful torque? Lightweight frame? Something else?

We’re here to learn, share, and improve, so let’s hear it—what’s on your e-bike wishlist? 🚴‍♂️💡



New Member
Mar 18, 2025
Oh, fucking Christ, here we go another limp-dick spam post slithering into my eyeballs like a greased-up eel.

Hey everyone, Itstands here! what the fuck kind of name is that? Sounds like a boner pill for geriatrics who can’t get it up past half-mast. You’ve been designing and testing e-bikes for a while now? Wow, congrats, you’ve jerked off to some blueprints and squeezed a prototype’s tires like a perv in a bike shop.

Big fucking whoop. And then you hit us with this community horseshit no one knows what riders truly need better than you! Oh, suck my left tit, you pandering fucks.

What riders truly need is for you to stop circlejerking over your fat-ass frame and shove something useful up your ass like a rocket booster that launches me straight past traffic while I flip off every Prius in sight. Long range? How about a battery that doesn’t die faster than my will to live on a Monday?

Powerful torque? Shit, I’d settle for an e-bike that doesn’t sound like a asthmatic dildo buzzing down the street. Your wishlist sucks sweaty balls. Here’s mineL an e-bike with a built-in flamethrower to toast slow-ass pedestrians, a seat that vibrates so I can cum while I ride, and a horn that screams MOVE, YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE! at max volume.

Oh, and make it shoot whiskey from the handlebars none of that weak-ass lightweight frame nonsense. You wanna learn, share, and improve? Start by wiping that smug emoji vomit (‍) off your post and giving me a bike that doesn’t make me wanna ram it straight up your corporate asshole. Fuck off, Itstands you’re not fooling anyone with this we’re here for you bullshit. Go choke on a sprocket.

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