Welp just had the biggest ***hole “ban” me from the local trails

Bryan Wells

Active member
Jul 31, 2019
Out minding my own business having fun riding our local trails like I have been for 6 months riding the levo now and all of a sudden I get passed and cut off almost wrecking on a single track, the old man forced me off the trail and well absolutely loosing his mind on me that I was illegally on an ebike out there. I proceeded to try and work with him and ask if he knows the limitations of a class one bike but Ohhh no, he would cut me off the second I would make any sense and scream and threaten me again and again with the most repetitive a**hat ego quotes, so I began to just ride away while he failed to cut me off at every turn. He wouldn’t give me the time of day let alone make it easy for me to leave??‍♂
Moral of the story, evergreen mountain bike alliance in Washington state are some horrendously shitty people??‍♂️
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E*POWAH Elite World Champion
Feb 16, 2019
Maffra Victoria Australia
Are you saying that he behaved like this whilst claiming to represent evergreen? Might be time to contact them and clarify what sort of behaviour they consider appropriate?

BUT - address his behaviour before their track access rules - once they start apologising it might be time to start politely questioning why their rules exist when clearly one of their members is able to ride faster and more aggressively than you on a class 1 ebike....

Bryan Wells

Active member
Jul 31, 2019
Where were you at? Who from EMBA was yelling at you?

Didn’t get his name because he wouldn’t t give it to me, he absolutely crossed all lines with the most childish disrespectful encounter I personally have ever lived through. He was an older man tallish about 55-65 i’d guess, full blue bike. Does the Tuesday night rides often.


Oct 31, 2018
Seattle, WA USA
I’m in Washington and all the interaction I’ve had with Evergreen has been pretty positive. I’ve emailed with one of the program managers a bit and I get the impression that they are ok with ebikes but are easing into it to pacify the anti ebike members (probably like the one you ran into). Their newest trail system at North Mountain in Darrington is open to class 1 ebikes. I ran into the lead trail builder out there and he has an emtb and knows it’s the future. They are using North Mountain as a pilot to see how non emtb riders react and give them a chance to overcome their misconceptions. Probably still going to be a few more years until most their trails allow ebikes but at least the tide is turning and I would be surprised if a few more areas allow ebikes next summer. BTW, North Mountain is pretty rad if you like long natural tech trails.


Jul 17, 2019
New Zealand
I am guessing this was just some asshat.
Had some clown try that crap on my while I was riding a trail here in NZ - a trail that is advertised as ebike friendly and has hire companies sending people there. The guy was close to having me drop my bike - then drop him. After I told that if he cut me off once more that I would rip the helmet off his head and shove it up his ass he backed off.
Apparently anything more advanced than his 3 speed Sturmey Archer Raleigh was just destroying the trails.


Oct 31, 2018
Seattle, WA USA
@Bryan Wells. Sorry you had to deal with that; what a way to suck all the joy out of riding. I think it’s ironic that guys like that are treating emtb’ers the same way that hikers and equestrian riders used to treat traditional mountain bikers. They fought so hard to overcome that hatred and open up MTB access to these trails but now they’re just passing the hatred down the line and using the same “you’re ruining OUR trails” argument. Maybe guys like that will realize they’re being hypocrites and change their tune.


New Member
Oct 9, 2019
I carry bear spray where I'm at I wouldn't think twice about spraying one of these ass hats if they came at me with their chest all puffed out.


Well-known member
Oct 19, 2019
North Idaho, US
I carry bear spray where I'm at I wouldn't think twice about spraying one of these ass hats if they came at me with their chest all puffed out.

Yeah.. Because that's the way to get more trail acess open to ebikes.. Assault someone associated with the organization that does all the lobbying for acess. Especially when homeboy was technically on a trail that was not really open for ebikes in the first place.

Not saying that the evergreen dude wasn't an asshat, but spraying bear spray on the dude isn't going to get much done aside from giving us EMTB dudes a bad name and hurt our further cause.



Well-known member
Founding Member
Jan 15, 2018
Apparently not, and I had never been told or informed no.

In no way was the other guy in the right, but it's up to you to find out if it is legal place to ride. It's then up to you to decide whether to ride it or not, but you should at least know what's up.


New Member
Nov 25, 2019
Hey @Bryan Wells as someone who actually is a representative of Evergreen I would like to apologize for the behavior and attitude of this rider. I'm sorry.

However also I hope that you know that the reason you are able to ride a mountain bike in many, many areas around the state is because of the work of Evergreen Mountain Bike Alliance. It is unfair for you to make the statement you did, and lump the whole organization into the experience you had with this one rider.

Thousands of riders have supported the advocacy work, and non-stop trail building for 30 years, and it may take a little time for some of them to accept snowboards...I mean E-bikes. We are in the same acceptance period as snowboards were in the early 90's. They changed the ski industry and there is no doubt E-bikes will do the same.

It is your responsibility at this point to know where you can and can't ride. Unless posted open to E-bikes all trails are closed. We don't make the rules, or even enforce them. We just inform the conversations with the law makers, and work with the land managers to try and achieve the best outcome for all mountain bikers.

Bryan Wells

Active member
Jul 31, 2019
Yeah.. Because that's the way to get more trail acess open to ebikes.. Assault someone associated with the organization that does all the lobbying for acess. Especially when homeboy was technically on a trail that was not really open for ebikes in the first place.

Not saying that the evergreen dude wasn't an asshat, but spraying bear spray on the dude isn't going to get much done aside from giving us EMTB dudes a bad name and hurt our further cause.

View attachment 22119
Hey @Bryan Wells as someone who actually is a representative of Evergreen I would like to apologize for the behavior and attitude of this rider. I'm sorry.

However also I hope that you know that the reason you are able to ride a mountain bike in many, many areas around the state is because of the work of Evergreen Mountain Bike Alliance. It is unfair for you to make the statement you did, and lump the whole organization into the experience you had with this one rider.

Thousands of riders have supported the advocacy work, and non-stop trail building for 30 years, and it may take a little time for some of them to accept snowboards...I mean E-bikes. We are in the same acceptance period as snowboards were in the early 90's. They changed the ski industry and there is no doubt E-bikes will do the same.

It is your responsibility at this point to know where you can and can't ride. Unless posted open to E-bikes all trails are closed. We don't make the rules, or even enforce them. We just inform the conversations with the law makers, and work with the land managers to try and achieve the best outcome for all mountain bikers.
Great response. I have a right to an opinion, and my opinion hasn’t changed. Sure they paved the way... for just themselves. And then hate on everyone else while claiming practical ownership. Horses, hikers, motorcycle, ebikes. I hear emba members talk super poorly about every one but mountain bikers
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The Barking Owl ?
Jul 18, 2019
the old geezer
I apologise if I caused offence to the gentleman.
In the UK, geezer is not derogatory. They like football, scrapping, beer, tea, tits, and Barry White.

In the U.S.: The definition of a geezer is an old man, particularly one who is either cranky or eccentric. Quite derogatory apparently.


E*POWAH Master
May 23, 2019
Alice Springs, Australia
I apologise if I caused offence to the gentleman.
In the UK, geezer is not derogatory. They like football, scrapping, beer, tea, tits, and Barry White.

In the U.S.: The definition of a geezer is an old man, particularly one who is either cranky or eccentric. Quite derogatory apparently.

Where does old codger fit into the scheme of things?


Active member
May 30, 2019
Cape St Francis
Get yourself a GoPro to record any interactions with people like this and done pepper spray to protect yourself. Then you have evidence of you have to defend yourself against the lies of an unreasonable person. If you have been riding within the rules and without obviously creating a situation where you offended someone, you should be able to take this to the powers to be and get it sorted out. If this person was totally unreasonable and it certainly sounds like he was, he should be sanctioned for his behaviour and potentially be banned of he can't be rehabilitated.

I am half that I live in South Africa as far as mountain biking is concerned because we don't see that kind of behaviour although we also have some eBike haters. ?


The Barking Owl ?
Jul 18, 2019
Get yourself a GoPro to record any interactions with people like this and done pepper spray to protect yourself. Then you have evidence of you have to defend yourself against the lies of an unreasonable person.
:unsure: Interesting. Ok I get the GoPro. You're going to get some great ride footage in the probable long time before you find yourself in an altercation.
I also get that there are some places where you need a means of defence. It's just that in the US & South Africa, a lot of people pack more punch than pepper.
And I know you're not actually advising to give the old fellow a squirt to defend against his lies but at what point would you unleash the pepper canister on him? At whatever point that is, it's likely that the prosecution will love the clarity your 4K GoPro video. De-escalation is very likely to be be the best way especially since we're talking about an old guy who's pissed off about evil e-bikes on his mountain - when you put it into perspective.

And anybody riding around Malibu & this guy jumps out, pepper spray won't help you. Nothing will.

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Active member
May 30, 2019
Cape St Francis
Pepper is last defence in altercation. Start the GoPro when you get into the altercation or when you see people approaching. The person seeing that you have a GoPro is also a deterrent. We used it with great success on some routes that we share with walkers who refuses to make way for cyclists and then fabricate stories about cyclists running them over our pushing them out of the way. Everybody believes old people unreservedly. Truth is some lie through their teeth. Better go prepared. So we ride with GoPro, put it on when people approach and delete footage when nothing pops up. Rather be safe than sorry.

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