Vitus e-Sommet - Tips and Tricks to reduce failure and improve reliability

Master Link

Dec 7, 2018
Isle of Wight
Hi, I am not, for one minute, suggesting that the Vitus is failure prone or unreliable, but some failures or trail side stoppages happen that might be avoided if certain things are done prior to a ride. I hope that this post can be a place where those with experience of this bike can share their wisdom and make everyone enjoy their bike even more. I also hope that the post 'stays on subject'.

This post is meant to apply to ALL models in the e-Sommet range.

Tony P

New Member
Dec 15, 2018
South West
My starter for 10

1. Ensure all bolts are adequately torqued
2. Same goes with cassette - I wrecked mine within 10 mins
3. Ensure no movement of battery within mount - movement may cause bike to turn itself off -easily solved by moving mount

Tony P

New Member
Dec 15, 2018
South West
4- check your chain guide is correctly fitted to prevent it rubbing against the chainstay when fully compressed. The back plate has two holes depending on no. of teeth- 38T fits to top hole and 34 T to lower. I’d recommend letting air out of shock to ensure guide adequately placed.

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