I've been trying to chase down a noise now for a while. It started out as creaking sound but has evolved into a ticking noise when on load. I've read multiple threads about these noises been rectified when users have found incorrectly torqued bolts around swivel points and also the motor attachment points.
I've checked all of these and I am still left with annoying ticking sound.
If it does prove to be the motor and it degrades further is the warranty claim route with Shimano or the bike manufacturer. I should add my bike is a Canyon Spectral, its around 11 months old and has covered around 600 miles.
I've checked all of these and I am still left with annoying ticking sound.
If it does prove to be the motor and it degrades further is the warranty claim route with Shimano or the bike manufacturer. I should add my bike is a Canyon Spectral, its around 11 months old and has covered around 600 miles.