ST Unlocker Make Boost Like Trail Mode


Dec 11, 2019
Blue Ridge Mountains
Just dove into ST Unlocker, trying to get my perfect assist settings. I'm essentially going for Eco to make it like riding an analog bike and then 2 Trail modes.

Eco: Like riding an analog bike, for riding with other analogs and my wife
Trail: Like the default Eco mode, maybe a bit higher. The slower eMTBers I ride with use a lot of Trail and Boost so this is for those times
Boost: Like the default Trail mode. Use this when I'm by myself or with fast eMTBs trying to just get downhill laps, The goal here is to climb twice as fast as on my analog but still have my legs and heart feel it.

In playing around with it, I put Boost on the same assist as Trail mode (90% I think?) and 60nm torque. I went to ride and did a 1000ft fire road climb almost 5 minutes faster, leading me to believe there's something else about Boost that makes it always faster? (not just power delivery speed) I'd like to avoid doing multiple profiles and changing out on the trail (if say my wife wants to go back to the truck and I want to get a quick dh lap in) and I never use Boost. Anybody have insight?

(I'd totally just try this, but I'm waiting on my 2nd derailleur in 2 months. I've never ripped a derailleur off until the 2 back to back on this bike, Sight VLT C2)


May 14, 2020
To my understanding, the Trail mode is dynamic, the more pressure on the pedal, the more support. Boost is flat, always full power on (or whatever you defined). So, if you move the Trail setting to Boost, you have more flat power than in real Trail mode, I assume that is the reason why you were faster up the fire road - you were cheating yourself ;) . On the other hand, your "Eco" setting will be dynamic now as you moved it to the Trail mode.

Still, with your setting, you never have the full motor power available. Don't you ever use it? I use Boost every now and then on really steep sections.
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Dec 11, 2019
Blue Ridge Mountains
Ah, didn't know that Trail was dynamic! Seems like the only way to get what I want will be to change assist profiles then. I do occasionally use Boost on really steep stuff, but I spend more time riding with my wife, analogs, my dad, ect. who are all slower (I sometimes pedal with the bike off but that's not great! hahah), then by myself just crushing dh laps I use Trail 100% of the time. I wish I could serve both those use cases in one assist profile, since when riding with slower riders I try to do a lap before or after the ride.


E*POWAH Elite World Champion
Nov 24, 2018
Wamberal, NSW Australia
The new display (for the EP8) will allow profiles to be stored on the bike and swapped at will. But I don't know if we can retrofit the new screen and get the new functions. Same with the new app.



Dec 11, 2019
Blue Ridge Mountains
The new assist options (assist %, torque, power delivery speed) do not work with the E8000 and the new version of E-Tube. I'd totally grab a new display if it works, but would need an adapter for the new wiring right?


E*POWAH Master
Feb 17, 2019
Try eco on 20%, it feels similar to an analog bike at this setting or even 15%. It cuts a lot of sound out too.


Dec 11, 2019
Blue Ridge Mountains
Can anyone explain the big difference between assist% and torque? I'd like to feel it a bit more in my legs, while still doing double the descending, so I'm thinking keep assist similar to where I'd normally run it and decrease torque to somewhere around 40nm in Trail.


⚡The Whippet⚡
May 4, 2020
Using the shimano app, there are 3 modes each with 3 settings (easy, medium, high). I have eco on med, trail and boost on low. I'm mostly in eco, which is easier than a clockwork bike. A 20km ride with hills etc on my ebike feels equiv to 15km on my clockwork - same amount of time and tiredness. I use trail when riding with another friend because it seems to closely match his setting. I also use trail on some technical climbs that I struggle with and have to session some times. I've only ever tried boost for the fun of it. Maybe try the shimano app and do a custom profile? I didn't think you could make eco dynamic - it doesn't work that way. For example, my trail mode is on low; it is still dynamic, but only up to the max limit of low that I have set. Eco not dynamic, boost not dynamic. Are you able to make them dynamic with st-unlocker? I would be surprised.


Old Tartan Bollocks
Mar 29, 2018
the internet
Eco: Like riding an analog bike, for riding with other analogs and my wife
Buy a normal bike. They're much more fun to ride than an Ebike on super low assist level.
Trail: Like the default Eco mode, maybe a bit higher. The slower eMTBers I ride with use a lot of Trail and Boost so this is for those times
Just match your riding partners pace. Why would it even matter what effort you're putting in?
Boost: Like the default Trail mode. Use this when I'm by myself or with fast eMTBs trying to just get downhill laps, The goal here is to climb twice as fast as on my analog but still have my legs and heart feel it.
If you follow the advice above. You already have default trail mode. Boost mode will never ride like trail mode


Dec 11, 2019
Blue Ridge Mountains
@Gary I still got my analog! (never ride it when my eMTB isn't waiting on parts) Really I'm trying to optimize my effort with different riding groups. My overall goal riding eMTB is to get the same workout as my analog but cover twice the ground in the same time, and I get that when riding alone or with fast riders. The conundrum is, the slower eMTB riders would leave me in the dust on my analog, but on my eMTB I leave them in the dust. The analog riders here are still pretty salty too. ? Looking like a detuned eco mode is the way to tackle that.


⚡The Whippet⚡
May 4, 2020
For me it means the steep technical climbs, that I never would have done on a clockwork, are now in my ballpark. Before I used to ride up a relatively easy track, with just a few minor obstacles, to get to the top like everyone else. It seemed a waste and the focus was predominantly on the descents. Now I ride up stuff that is more challenging than the descents - it's as though my riding enjoyment has doubled. I now have all these other tracks that I only ever rode down before. An awesome rider on a clockwork might get up them, but I've never seen it - they're always pushing their bike, or carrying, over the steep technical pinches, then riding the moderate stuff in between. And I've only seen a few of them - I pretty much have those climbs to myself.

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