Shimano theft... More shortages ?


E*POWAH Elite World Champion
Jul 22, 2020
If you filled that thing floor to ceiling with gold plated cigarettes, it wouldn't be worth ten million Euros. Someone fancies tickling the insurer's tummy.



E*POWAH Elite World Champion
Jul 22, 2020
One thing I do know is the cops will look very closely at the driver, the warehouse guys etc. From the outside, one truck looks very much like another...


E*POWAH Elite World Champion
Feb 14, 2019
Its looking like they took only the cocaine and left the bike parts 🥸


Wedding Crasher
Nov 5, 2018
Lincolnshire, UK
I worked for a company that was one of the first into Russia when the wall went down. We got a lot of "theft" stories. Panasonic was also one of the first in and sent lots of trucks with very expensive electronic consumer goods into Russia. They made the mistake of using trucks with "Panasonic" emblazoned all across the sides of the vehicles, along with high-definition pictures of the likely goods to be found inside. Guess what happened? :ROFLMAO:


E*POWAH Elite World Champion
Jul 22, 2020
So many theft stories. The worst one I experienced personally was a booze customer I had in the early days of my business. I'd loaded a subbie out of the warehouse at Rainham for Warrington. He ran out of hours & parked overnight in a layby & was woken at 3am by noise & found someone had slashed the curtains on the truck & tried to nick the stock but it was of all things, pallets of Stones Ginger wine. The guy had it away with a case or two & left a few on the deck. The police came, took some details & then asked the driver if they could take a few bottles?

The driver said - well that would be theft, wouldn't it? Never trust a copper.

Elsewhere, I've known trucks get diverted by blokes dressed in uniforms used at the delivery point to a different warehouse 'beacause we're full here', fake coppers pull a vehicle, ping the driver one & disappear with a trailer full of X-boxes, broken down trucks towed to council depots & emptied. all sorts. It's endemic.

I once ran a tobacco operation, supplying Safeway stores with all their cigarettes etc. When they transferred the stock to us, the trucks had trackers, unique numbers painted on the trailer roofs, security escorts, double lock trailers that could only be opened by a guy at the front & the back & drivers under instruction not to pull over for police but to drive instead to the nearest cop shop if they got pulled & that was in the 1990's Load theft is big business.


Inactive Member
Dec 28, 2020
Guys my cousin has a new availability of shimano spare parts. Call me. You know…we can arrange shipments from germany. :cool:


Wedding Crasher
Nov 5, 2018
Lincolnshire, UK
Theft 1:
At a company I worked for one of the warehouse supervisors at the loading dock did a deal with a driver who was a regular driver for one of the companies doing the collections. On the driver's off days, he would turn up in an unbranded truck (as per normal) and the supervisor would spoof the paperwork. Nobody saw anything unusual as he was a regular. The vehicle would be loaded and the driver delivered to his own delivery point where the goods were off loaded for sale at knockdown prices. But soon, the finance and stock control system noticed that several million quid's worth of stock was missing. A simple investigation uncovered the facts. The two individuals went to jail, but the warehousing company was on the hook for the missing goods.

Theft 2:
Following a few thefts from trucks parked overnight, by forcing the rear doors, the drivers were ordered to reverse up to the wall of a building. The driver arrived the following morning to find that the thieves had gained access to the building and knocked down the wall and then forced the vehicle doors and stole the goods! That was in Moscow. Over 1/4 million quid's worth of video recorders, if I remember correctly.

Attempted theft:
In the early 90's, a guy that used to work for me was sent out to one of our new warehousing contractors in Moscow (objective: learning both ways). On his second day he heard a bit of a stir with people running about and a general noise of concerned voices. Then he spotted that people were being issued with Kalashnikov automatic rifles! They lined up on the loading dock facing the main gate. Then his attention was drawn to two large black utility vehicles that had paused in front of the main gate. The windows went down and men peered out, binoculars were raised. Then they drove off. It was explained to my colleague that it was a simple show of force to the local mafia. "If we only had a few shotguns, they would have come in and robbed the place!" Good grief! They don't normally put "number and calibre of weapons" on the warehouse risk assessment scorecard. :eek:

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