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Shimano EP801 battery


New Member
Oct 26, 2024
Does anyone know how to change a US Shimano EP801 battery to UK spec i.e. limit it?
Please don’t be envious I have an eMTB with US spec battery, genuine error, but I need to limit it back to 15.5mph (currently 20mph) so legal and can have valid insurance! Thanks


Wedding Crasher
Nov 5, 2018
Lincolnshire, UK
@ETDB Welcome to the Forum. :)

If I were you, I would delete your post and deny all knowledge of your "problem". Proceed as normal and enjoy your bike. Assuming that you had a claim that depended upon the existence of your "problem", your insurers would have to prove that you knew about it. As someone new to emtb, how would you be expected to know?

I would be more concerned about any warranty claim than your insurer. Also be wary if you take the bike to your dealer for a service, it might come back with your "problem" resolved.

PS: It's not the battery or the motor where your "problem" resides, it's the software. So don't update it either.

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