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Shimano E-tube help please


Jan 8, 2024
Hi guys,

My SM-PCE02 has just arrived and i'm trying to update my motor to the new software version.
Having an absolute nightmare

1/ V5.3.3 is not working
App installs but once i double click the icon nothing loads

2/ V5.3.2 is not working
As above

Have tried installing the app on 2 x laptops and 1 x desktop = nothing

Sooooooooo i installed the V5.2.6 = Hallelujah app loads.........but, once i try to connect to my bike (2024 YT Decor Core 3) i get this

Screenshot 2024-09-24 175918.jpg

I have updated the software previously using my phone, so i'm guessing the software updated via my phone is not compatible with the older desktop software.

1/ Is this the case, or do i have another problem?

2/ Anyone else found a solution for the V5.3.3 app not starting?

I am connecting the SM-PCE02 to the 3rd connector on my SC-EM800 display

Any help greatly appreciated



Jan 8, 2024
To update this..............Success

Screenshot 2024-09-26 002102.jpg

I tried the software on my Surface pro laptop, (didn't bother trying it before as it has only USB-C ports and wasn't sure a USB adaptor would work).

Installed the V5.3.3 software and.......it ran

Plugged in my bike and........it worked

Connected first time.

The firmware update was already on my motor, obviously updated from the E-tube phone app.
But oddly the overrun option is not there on the phone app, you can opnly enable and adjust it on the windows app (with the SM-PCE02)

So i enabled it, adjusted it to max and will try it out tomorrow.

To sum up
V5.2.6 = App starting but getting the error........
"A unit not supported by the current e-tube project is connected.DU-EP801"
Seems V5.2.6 does not work with the latest firmware update, hence the above error

V5.3.3 = Simply does not work on some computers
No idea why, all laptops and desktops tried were win11, all 64bit
I have used the exact same software package installed on all 4 PC's, it only opens on 1

Really strange, but solved



Well-known member
Jun 16, 2024
Auckland NZ
Would you be interested in selling your PCE02?? Or even renting it with a deposit?New to Shimano and wanting to update bike, Cheers.
My email is [email protected]
All of the latest updates are available now via the mobile app/bluetooth.

Unless you don’t have the Bluetooth enabled controller, in which case you’re definitely going to need a cable and a laptop.

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