A minor irritant for me is how hard, bordering on impossible it is to get hold of some kinds of Rockshox crush washers. The Lyrik & Yari dished ones generally only come in service kits & it's often true that if you service regularly, often as not all that the forks need are foam rings cleaning, crush washers & a clean & lube. So a whole kit can be overkill.
For a while now I've been experimenting with dowty washers, sometimes called bonded seals which are specifically designed to seal around bolts. Anyway, 8mm works perfectly, no leaks from reusing Rockshox washers, no corrosion & pennies to buy.
For a while now I've been experimenting with dowty washers, sometimes called bonded seals which are specifically designed to seal around bolts. Anyway, 8mm works perfectly, no leaks from reusing Rockshox washers, no corrosion & pennies to buy.