Reign E+ 2022


Active member
Jul 7, 2021
The large supposedly comes with 165 cranks, does anyone know which 155 cranks will fit? Would like to stick will alloy and not carbon because of rocky landscape here in utah
yep, hope 155mm will fit.

BTW - have you tried the search funtction of this forum? All you've asked has been covered before ;-)


Well-known member
May 1, 2020
The large supposedly comes with 165 cranks, does anyone know which 155 cranks will fit? Would like to stick will alloy and not carbon because of rocky landscape here in utah

155mm will be fine. I was wondering myself should I take 155 or 165. I bought 165 for several reasons. Reason no 1 is all my other bikes are 175 and most of my bike time is on 175 cranks. 155 would feel alien all the time. Reason no 2 reign e+ has a high bb so with 165 cranks pedal strikes are a rarity. Rest is just technique.


Dec 16, 2021
My theory from watching EMBN, Robs and other videos on youtube and reading articles online I think the shorter cranks will alleviate strikes, also feel better when non pedalling with level pedals or up and down pedals in corners. Higher rpm with ebike and yamaha motor will be easier than non ebike. Just a theory from others research and will test myself when new bike arrives.😁


Feb 19, 2020
Has anyone ridden the old yamaha motor and this new one? My wife has a 2019 trance and that is quite torquey in low cadence, people seam to be saying the opposite for this new model, that it likes high cadence to get the power.

I've owned a 2020 Trance E+3 for 2 years and about 1,800 miles. In that time the bike has been faultless and despite some geometry issues which do not suit me (long torso-short legs) it has been an absolute pleasure to own. On the strength of this, 12 days ago I collected a 2022 Reign E+2 primarily because the geometry and better suspension should address the few issues I had with the Trance. First 2 rides were a great disappointment. The geometry was everything I'd hoped for and was a revelation after the Trance but the new motor completely lacked power and the battery drained incredibly quickly.
Since then I have purposely repeated the same ride to measure any possible improvement. The route is about 14 miles and 2000 feet of ascent...

As a reference, I would typically do this ride on the Trance in about 2 hours with about 40% of the 500W/h battery remaining after riding mostly in assist Level 2-3.

Ride 1: 1 hour 59 minutes, 37% (620 W/h) battery remaining. Most of ride in Level 3-4.

Ride 2: 2 hours 1 minute, 45% battery remaining. Most of ride in Level 3-4.

Ride 3: 1 hour 52 minutes, 53% battery remaining. Most of ride in Level 2-3.

Ride 4: 2 hours 52 minutes*, 65% battery remaining. All of ride in Level 1-2.

* Ride 4 was done with son-in-law on a manual bike so slower with plenty of talking stops.

There has been a marked increase in the power/efficiency from the motor/battery in the last couple of rides and my initial disappointment has disappeared. The bike is now everything I'd hoped for.

As an aside, the downhill capability of the Reign is markedly better than the Trance. My best time down a fast, loose, steep descent on the route with the Trance was 4 minutes 45 seconds, on the Reign I'm a full minute quicker. :)
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Nov 28, 2021
New Zealand
Hello from Utah, USA, I just put deposit on a Large 2022 reign e+ 2 at local shop.I am 6ft 205lbs moderate fitness but more of a weightlifter than cyclist. They say week 10 2022 is arrival date but dont count on that due to current worldwide shortages. I have a streetbike and motocross background and have been riding my 2021 Trance X 29 3 for 4 months, so just getting into MTB. Test rode the reign e+ 3 at shop last week and geometry was great but the non adjust domain fork has me waiting for the zeb. Does anyone know if the larger battery will fit in the 625wh bikes?
yeah think so, I have the e+ 1 with 625w in New Zealand and have ordered a 750w battery as a spare. ETA from local shop is 6 months :/
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Dec 16, 2021
I wonder if the 750 will be for sale in US. Does anyone have weights on the 625 and 750 batteries? Amazing that we can chat from all over the world, thankz Interwebz!!


Nov 28, 2021
New Zealand
Hi everyone. Short question. I bought mine on Thursday (reign e+ 0) and updated the software of the motor via Android App. The bike when I switch it on starts in auto mode (one blue light on the left), and will switch itself off after 30 seconds. When I switch it on again all the indication lights are on and white. The same happens and 30 seconds later bike is off. Then the whole cycle repeats. LBS is closed till Monday noon. What could I do now?

Goroncy Did you solve this? mine started doing this today, says on in auto, can't change modes, turns off after 30 seconds. lame. App connects to it, and system check report everything is fine.

Sorry, found your other comments: yeah i messed with the LED brightness too, dang it, sounds like I just need to leave it for a couple of days...
Did Giant support ever get back to you? thanks.
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Well-known member
May 1, 2020
Goroncy Did you solve this? mine started doing this today, says on in auto, can't change modes, turns off after 30 seconds. lame. App connects to it, and system check report everything is fine.

Sorry, found your other comments: yeah i messed with the LED brightness too, dang it, sounds like I just need to leave it for a couple of days...
Did Giant support ever get back to you? thanks.

Don't connect the app to the bike. Ideally turn Bluetooth in you phone off or uninstall the app. Try to click bike's controls after 12h and then after 24h if the first time won't work. I was switching the bike off and on. Also trying change power assist. I also let the bike to switch itself off in both of those stuck modes - when it shows blue (Auto) line and when all lines are white. I never found out what works. But it must be time, clicking or both. The battery should be in the bike all this time.

There was another person here on this forum who had the same problem as we and went to his shop to fix it. He never reported back what happened with the bike I think. @Gills ?

My shop just told me to come. But I never did because the bike started to work. I do NOT connect the app since then. Giant app support NEVER came back to me. Which kinda sucks.
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Nov 8, 2021
I hope that Rob will address that PPL reports bricking the bike just by using the app in the review. It may force Giant to do something ASAP or at least they might do a statement.


Well-known member
May 1, 2020
I hope that Rob will address that PPL reports bricking the bike just by using the app in the review. It may force Giant to do something ASAP or at least they might do a statement.

I think that it's a much better idea to go public with issues that cannot be fixed. E.g. to inform people (like Pinkbike does it) that the bike or part is just bad and unrideable. Here Rob could speak maybe with some Giant representative on everyone's behalf.


Dec 17, 2021
Picked my bike up last week, the shop updated the core bike software and I updated the app when I got it home. The app updated the bike again and I changed some LED light settings before reading this thread. No issues so far so possibly the update on the bike solved it?


New Member
Dec 5, 2021
New Zealand
Don't connect the app to the bike. Ideally turn Bluetooth in you phone off or uninstall the app. Try to click bike's controls after 12h and then after 24h if the first time won't work. I was switching the bike off and on. Also trying change power assist. I also let the bike to switch itself off in both of those stuck modes - when it shows blue (Auto) line and when all lines are white. I never found out what works. But it must be time, clicking or both. The battery should be in the bike all this time.

There was another person here on this forum who had the same problem as we and went to his shop to fix it. He never reported back what happened with the bike I think. @Gills ?

My shop just told me to come. But I never did because the bike started to work. I do NOT connect the app since then. Giant app support NEVER came back to me. Which kinda sucks.
Hi guys,
The lbs tried multiple things without success.
I suggested that they remove and reinstall the firmware, but they did not have and were not given access to the software tools necessary.

I am riding now but the only way they could get me going was to disconnect the controller in the top tube and install an earlier model Ergo on the bars.
There are no parts in the country so Giant sent the controller over from Australia.

To their credit the lbs and Giant got me back up and riding in a week.

They are expecting a replacement 2022 controller to arrive sometime in January.

The only thing I did when using the app which may be different to some people is…

When I downloaded the latest S/W version the app advised me I was operating in 4g instead of wifi and asked if I wanted to cancel the update. I did cancel and started while in wifi zone. I can’t imagine how that could affect the outcome though :unsure:


Feb 15, 2021
No number of blinking eyes will change the fact that there is absolutely nothing between Smart Gateway and SyncDrive motor on my app. Maybe you got some extra features in German version 😜😜😜.
Maybe your problem with the app and the bike belongs to that you don't have the section and there is a problem with the communication with the ride control go which steers the different riding modes and the automatic mode. Would be helpfull if everybody with the problems check if the section of ride control go is there or not in the app.


Active member
Jul 7, 2021
I do have this section (RideControl GO), and I have played with the settings of the LEDs but have Zero issues with it. At least for myself, I can't confirm that this Led problem applies to everyone. I have posted my SW / HW versions in the Reign e+ thread already if anyone wants to compare.

I have no big issues using the app, but I do have some wishes:
- set assitance level of Auto-Mode
- have 10% increments instead of only 3 different settings for the power level
- delete my old bike from the app
- using the app without internet access to change settings even when being offline
- a change log and a history for all SW chamges


New Member
I was in T7 Nelson today & asked when the Reigns will be coming. Guy just shrugged & said whenever they turned up. He mentioned Aussie may have pinched a few off the NZ order ( dunno why they want any we all know there's no hills over there).Interestingly enough he said they were only preselling 20% of their allotment so they've got something to put on the floor. The shop I ordered my Merida from just basically presells all their allotment. now, there are 'Aussies' on this forum....don't be a hater..... You get the higher max speed for eMTB's so we're jealous but you also get ripped off for just about everything you buy.....I know, I lived there for 3 years...


Sep 7, 2021
Vancouver Island BC
Yes, I did. Have replaced the 2019 Trance SX with SyndrivePro with the new Reign e+ with SyncDrive Pro2. Also owned the Reign e+ 2020 and the 2021 Trance X e+, so I claim to have bit of experience with the more recent versions of the Giant drive engines ;)

It's true to say that the new SyncDrive Pro2 benefits from higher cadence, but it still provides plenty of support in low cadence too. So starting on a steep slope is no issue at all; the support just kicks in more gently which is a benefit for the less experienced rider. Giant was able to make the system an even more natural riding experince with the new engine and supports up to a theoretical 150rpm.

Having said this, better shift before you approach a really, really steep slope, because when your cadence gets very low you will loose power. With a non-electrical bike you would experience exactly the same, wouldn't you? Hope you get my point here.

PS: In my 101 E-MTB Classes I`m encouraging everyone to choose their gear wisely as it has an impact on battery drain, wear of chain etc. and the ability to maintain power on steep acents. Having this in mind, the new Syncdrive Pro2 rides very natural and not so digital or over-powered like other engines, but's thats my humble oppinion

in my experience (only this eeb), after a few rides i feel the best way to ride the bike is exactly like a regular mtb. spin lower gears as needed, shift down anticipating steep climbs, shift up anticipating descents, etc. better for your legs, your bike, power delivery, everything. auto mode is useless, use the higher settings strictly for steep roads, otherwise 2 or 3 for on trail, it's lots of support and feels like a natural extension of your own effort. for me, the closer the experience replicates 'regular' mtb, (minus the constant heart rate redlining) the better.

Doug Stampfer

Well-known member
Jul 7, 2018
NZ now, there are 'Aussies' on this forum....don't be a hater..... You get the higher max speed for eMTB's so we're jealous but you also get ripped off for just about everything you buy.....I know, I lived there for 3 years...
All said in jest bro ;-) I can't wait to try out the Tassy mtb scene when the world comes back to normal


Dec 18, 2021
All said in jest bro ;-) I can't wait to try out the Tassy mtb scene when the world comes back to normal
You could be waiting a very long time! Anyhow, I have the opportunity of a new bike without a battery. (e+0) I currently ride a Merida E160 (2019). I have ordered a 625Wh battery as 750wh isn’t available possibly ever! After joining the forum and reading all things Giant and Software issues I’m beginning to think I could be making a very costly mistake. Anyone out there have regrets and wish they’d bought a Megawatt or similar. It’s a shame as the Reign on paper is a fantastic machine.


Nov 8, 2021
You could be waiting a very long time! Anyhow, I have the opportunity of a new bike without a battery. (e+0) I currently ride a Merida E160 (2019). I have ordered a 625Wh battery as 750wh isn’t available possibly ever! After joining the forum and reading all things Giant and Software issues I’m beginning to think I could be making a very costly mistake. Anyone out there have regrets and wish they’d bought a Megawatt or similar. It’s a shame as the Reign on paper is a fantastic machine.
Megawatt has not been in stock for months and is using the Shimano maracas motor. But I agree that it doesn’t sound fantastic that ppl are having issues. Even if it’s 1 in 100. I plan not to touch the app until I really need to. Hopefully they have a more stable version then. I really hope Giant has an internal software group and is not relaying on external consultants. If so the risk is high that very little will happen.

one reason Bosch is so good is that they completely control the eco system. No custom controllers are allowed or even battery’s.


Well-known member
May 1, 2020
You could be waiting a very long time! Anyhow, I have the opportunity of a new bike without a battery. (e+0) I currently ride a Merida E160 (2019). I have ordered a 625Wh battery as 750wh isn’t available possibly ever! After joining the forum and reading all things Giant and Software issues I’m beginning to think I could be making a very costly mistake. Anyone out there have regrets and wish they’d bought a Megawatt or similar. It’s a shame as the Reign on paper is a fantastic machine.
I have 0 regrets. This thing with the app is nothing. I had Bosch system hole last year. Giant is just much better. Also the integration with my Garmin is simply amazing. Read my previous post about my riding experience. I can add to what I wrote that range is definitely on par with Bosch.

Giant made a whole package. The motor software is VERY VERY good. But in the end whatever you'll buy it was probably made by Giant. They are by a big margin the biggest factory of bicycles. All those boutique companies from US is basically Giant.


Dec 18, 2021
I have 0 regrets. This thing with the app is nothing. I had Bosch system hole last year. Giant is just much better. Also the integration with my Garmin is simply amazing. Read my previous post about my riding experience. I can add to what I wrote that range is definitely on par with Bosch.

Giant made a whole package. The motor software is VERY VERY good. But in the end whatever you'll buy it was probably made by Giant. They are by a big margin the biggest factory of bicycles. All those boutique companies from US is basically Giant.
Thanks that’s encouraging. I don’t have an app with the Merida I just click on the battery, select one of three modes and ride. I have had zero issues. However as a riding experience I prefer my analogue bike. My son who works in a Giant dealership says to leave the app and software well alone and just ride. He also considers the Reign to be the most plush bike he’s ever ridden ( he’s ridden an awful lot of bikes). So fingers crossed as my technical abilities end at the kettle.


Sep 7, 2021
Vancouver Island BC
my shop said not to even download the app, so i haven't, just ride. it's dead simple, turn it on and toggle to level 3 and leave it there for the whole ride. if i want to know distance or anything else, i use Trail Forks. so sidestep all kinds of headaches IMO. i know there are many who love all that stuff, love the data and the settings, etc, fortunately that's not me so i don't feel like i'm missing anything by not using the app, except for headaches.


Dec 18, 2021
my shop said not to even download the app, so i haven't, just ride. it's dead simple, turn it on and toggle to level 3 and leave it there for the whole ride. if i want to know distance or anything else, i use Trail Forks. so sidestep all kinds of headaches IMO. i know there are many who love all that stuff, love the data and the settings, etc, fortunately that's not me so i don't feel like i'm missing anything by not using the app, except for headaches.
My sentiments entirely! My body tells me all I need to know!

May 14, 2019
Hopefully they have a more stable version then. I really hope Giant has an internal software group and is not relaying on external consultants. If so the risk is high that very little will happen.

I think Giant are trying to get on top of it. From a software development point of view, they probably have contracted a development team to make it for them.

If you look close enough, you can see they are gearing up to fix these launch issues with the app. There's a new thread here, launched by Rob asking specifically about app and software gremlins, I'd speculate this research has been requested by Giant. If you have a good read through the Play Store reviews for the app also, Giant have begun responding to specific complaints asking for direct and specific feedback. It's pretty clear they're in the research phase of troubleshooting. I daresay the fixes are being planned for.

No way they spend this whole time in hardware development for the bike and let it tank because of a dodgy app. No way.


Dec 13, 2019
I think Giant are trying to get on top of it. From a software development point of view, they probably have contracted a development team to make it for them.

If you look close enough, you can see they are gearing up to fix these launch issues with the app. There's a new thread here, launched by Rob asking specifically about app and software gremlins, I'd speculate this research has been requested by Giant. If you have a good read through the Play Store reviews for the app also, Giant have begun responding to specific complaints asking for direct and specific feedback. It's pretty clear they're in the research phase of troubleshooting. I daresay the fixes are being planned for.

No way they spend this whole time in hardware development for the bike and let it tank because of a dodgy app. No way.
Correct this also happened last year with the previous reigns.
My local shop told me not to use the app so I didn’t.
There was a thread on here about it,bikes being bricked etc. it’s nothing new, I don’t know where that thread is tho.
The app is handy if you want to adjust your assist levels, but I personally just ride it.
I believe giant will fix it, it’s just a shame the shop can’t override it with their gear.
My local giant has no idea about diagnosing ebikes with the computers either which doesn’t help.

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