We have a Cube Acid HPA. The Purion display went blank. I tested the CR2016 batteries and both were kaput. Replaced the batteries and it worked. Did a very short test ride and everything seemed OK. Went back to it after 30mins or so and the display was blank (timed out I guess). The display wouldn't turn on. After looking online, I got it on again by pressing the button on the motor battery and getting it in before the lights went out (the button is inaccessible when on the bike). Does anyone have experience of this problem or any pointers? The trip display shows only 211 miles and I don't believe it's been reset at any time. I also timed the display with the bike idle. It went off at around ten minutes. Again I'm assuming this is the normal time out when not being used.
Thanks in advance for any input
Thanks in advance for any input