Before I will assemble my first e-bike frame I will need some wheels. Decided to go ahead with Newmen A.30 SL rims (hookless design) as they suppose to be as strong or even stronger than DT EX511. Gave it a try and I am very happy with the result.
- 2x A.30 SL rims
- set of ZTTO M1 hubs (aka DT240)
- 302mm Sapim D-light spokes - 30pcs (2 spares included)
- 304mm Sapim D-light spokes - 30pcs (2 spares included)
- 60 Sapim Polyax Secure Lock nipples (4 spares included)
- set of 70 MG washers - very important - ref . Newmen manual
- a bit of free time
Total cost about 330Eur
Wheels came up to about 1784g (no tape). Tires + test ride at the weekend
Before I will assemble my first e-bike frame I will need some wheels. Decided to go ahead with Newmen A.30 SL rims (hookless design) as they suppose to be as strong or even stronger than DT EX511. Gave it a try and I am very happy with the result.
- 2x A.30 SL rims
- set of ZTTO M1 hubs (aka DT240)
- 302mm Sapim D-light spokes - 30pcs (2 spares included)
- 304mm Sapim D-light spokes - 30pcs (2 spares included)
- 60 Sapim Polyax Secure Lock nipples (4 spares included)
- set of 70 MG washers - very important - ref . Newmen manual
- a bit of free time
Total cost about 330Eur
Wheels came up to about 1784g (no tape). Tires + test ride at the weekend