I took the bike down from the racks and then went to install the battery and battery cover and the cover will not fit properly. Looks like its too tight at the bottom where the 2 teeth are supposed to be. I found a thread of another member having this issue and he shaved the plastic tabs down a bit and said it worked but when i tried that on mine it didnt do a thing. I took the battery out and of course the cover fits like a glove so i put it back and then noticed that when i insert the battery it actually pushes the bottom connector out just enough to take up the space needed where the tabs would go. I just got the bike in winter so this is the first time putting everything back after storage. Had an issue with the battery being stuck but the dealer sorted that. Its still under warranty but the dealer is across town so im hoping im not alone and someone has a fix. Thanks in advance and sorry if this was a bit hard to understand