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No batteries available for my 4 day old Canyon Spectral:On CF8 - considering returning it


New Member
Aug 9, 2024
It's 4 days since I unboxed it and assembled it. I've done 37 tarmac miles so far however based upon the reply from Canyon support, I'm considering returning it for a refund.

When asking about how I can purchase a spare battery, the reply was " Regrettably we no longer sell batteries for the Spectral:ON and they are not available to purchase from us. " - WTF?!? There are some other issues but this is a huge concern for me, am I justified in my thinking? The warranty period is only 2 years and I don't believe batteries are covered.

I really wanted a Trek Rail or Slash but the CF8 was an amazing deal but based upon this news, I could end up with an expensive pile of useless junk in a couple of years :(


Mar 13, 2021
I don't understand your point.
The bike is 4 days old.
Canyon are mail order only, direct from Germany. Batteries and motors are the most expensive and most likely component to fail.
Shimano motors can be repaired or replaced.
The batteries for the Canyon Spectral:ON are (were) made by Canyon but even though they are still selling the Spectal's online, you can't buy batteries for them!

So what do I do when (not if, when) the battery fails or is exhausted? Believe me, I have extensive experience of battery technology and it will fail or be unusable way before the rest of the bike will be.
Wrong Canyon have just issued an email regarding faulty batteries.


Mar 13, 2021
Looks like they have had concerns about this battery for a few months and today issued an email about the safety of this battery. They are asking all those with the affected battery to remove it from the bike and wait until December for further update. Having already experienced problems with the 2022 bike/battery I’m not surprised.


Mar 1, 2024
It's 4 days since I unboxed it and assembled it. I've done 37 tarmac miles so far however based upon the reply from Canyon support, I'm considering returning it for a refund.

When asking about how I can purchase a spare battery, the reply was " Regrettably we no longer sell batteries for the Spectral:ON and they are not available to purchase from us. " - WTF?!? There are some other issues but this is a huge concern for me, am I justified in my thinking? The warranty period is only 2 years and I don't believe batteries are covered.

I really wanted a Trek Rail or Slash but the CF8 was an amazing deal but based upon this news, I could end up with an expensive pile of useless junk in a couple of years :(
Contact your countries consumer protection office , see what the after sales support laws are on ebikes. Cars,bikes , washing machines etc manufacturers need to supply parts for their product for 10 years, to sell them legally
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Mar 13, 2021
Why is it wrong? And yes I've received the email. What has that to do with my thread? I'm not being arsey, genuine question.
Apologies I read your comment quickly and thought you were suggesting the battery would outlast the bike not the other way round. Wrong = Correct!! Sorry.

I've now got two Canyon bikes with these batteries. One CF and one CFR. Hope I get a refund as I'll buy the Amfloy instead.

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