New Member
Hi all, first time poster here and first few weeks of owning an ebike. For my first post I wanted to start with some of the basic questions that keep rolling around in my head after riding the bike for the first time. The bike is a Whyte and has the Gen 5 CX Bosch Performance motor, so onto the newbie questions:
- When the motor hits the limit it starts to feel like acceleration is not possible yet this is proven to be wrong by the stats from the ride. Does the motor inhibit acceleration to a noticable degree compared to a standard bike on the flats and downs or does it just feel that way as it goes from assisted to non-assisted?
- Do you ever get used to the feeling described in Q1?
- In the Flow app you get the option to "Tune" the motor, are there any widely agreed changes to make immediatly in this section of the app or is it more a case of leave well alone as the factory settings are optimal?
- It has a 12sp cassette yet I haven't been past the middle of the cassette yet. Are the larger chainrings redundant or do you find a place for them as you get used to the bike?