Levo Gen 2 Motor failure, repair issue


New Member
Jun 8, 2023
Hello everyone :)

I have specialized turbo levo carbon expert 2019, which is covered by spesh extended warranty (4 years insted of 2)
No issues (except shock failure in 2020 which was sorted rarter quickly by LBS) until this year. At 8600+ km at odometer (5300+ miles) I eventually had a motor failure. Symptoms were like something is slipping, loud whining noise upon all levels of assist and no power to rear wheel. I've contacted LBS, they agreed to sort out this issue under warranty. After disassembling the motor they discovered that problem was related to motor belt, it was stripped of the teeth/hooks and could no longer engate the pulley. Well, the natural belt wear and tear issue of 2.1 motors, manufacturer claimed that they have fixed it in 2.2 version using reinforced belt.

Upon opening the motor serviceman at LBS discovered that both sprag clutches were fine(breaking sprag clutches is common issue related to water ingress), LBS informed me that they gonna replace the belt, not the whole motor assembly. Replacement for the belt was the reinforced one from 2.2 motor, so I also was informed that I could experience creaking for a while until new reinforced belt will break in and align to the pulleys of the motor that has wear from previous belt. Sounded not that bad until I had a few rides :)

In the LBS when I've tested the bike I have heard no creaking at all. I took bike home and went for a ride in the evening. After riding like 2 kms I've heard creaking, not so much annoying, still decided that I should break it in and just pugged airpods to my ears until end of the ride. To cut long story short, after like 200 kms creaking is kinda awful. It starts at some angle of engagement of the pulley, so its not constant in the beginning, just a fraction of full pulley revolution. After 10+ kms motor is getting warmer and its constant for the most of the time. I've contacted LBS regarding this issue, serviceman said they can replace the belt with the one that comes in 2.1 motors, it should be less creaky, but with with its longevity issues. I asked why did they did not change the whole motor assembly and the answer was that they did it only until replacement belts were not available to spesh dealers, now they change belts if this is the issue(in case of sprag clutch failure of anything else not related to the belt you get the new motor). I also was told that creaking could apear between 1000-2000 kms (1200+ miles). Thats a lot creaking for a bike with RRP of $10k in my country.

I wanted to ask @Specialized Rider Care if this is an appropriate fix.


Aug 12, 2020
Freiburg/ Germany
The belt used in 2.2 motor generstion has to be applied with vaseline. This prevents frome creaking. If it creaks, the serviceman forgot the vaseline.

The belt in the newest version E01680-200 is not made of rubber and from a new supplier and does not need any grease to run silent over lifetime


Well-known member
Jun 26, 2019
As far as im aware no LBS or even Spesh themselves are allowed to open the motors up and repair them if they are still under warranty

The LBS are meant to fit a new motor under warranty then return the damaged and unopened motor to Spesh who then forward them on to Brose who then open them up and see what the problem is so they can log the failure types

This is what i was told by a Spesh rep at an open day they had at their UK HQ in 2019


Aug 12, 2020
Freiburg/ Germany
brose has an official belt repair instruction (including vaseline greasing) and a belt service kit.
So it is not forbidden for a LBS to do this in general.

Best regards,



Dec 25, 2021
As far as im aware no LBS or even Spesh themselves are allowed to open the motors up and repair them if they are still under warranty

The LBS are meant to fit a new motor under warranty then return the damaged and unopened motor to Spesh who then forward them on to Brose who then open them up and see what the problem is so they can log the failure types

This is what i was told by a Spesh rep at an open day they had at their UK HQ in 2019
And if you believe that bollocks, you'll believe anything.
Don't try telling me that certain dealers who swap out a motor and say there's nothing wrong with it but we'll do it for you anyway 😏.
That then same motor gets sent back to specialized for it only be rejected by them!
I'm sure that after specialized have rejected a couple, said dealer won't be fitting new motors that owners have complained of making a loud noise anymore. Makes me wonder that it gets passed onto the next customer which will explain many a tale saying its just as loud as my previous one.

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