I think it would be great if there was a list of China sellers who people on this forum have bought from in 2024
I know compiling lists is difficult due to companies posting their own reviews, but I think it is easy to work out the fake from the real ones.
I would be grateful if anyone can give a short review of the seller, experience( how long it took, packaging), product they bought, additional charges to their country etc.
If enough people respond, I will update this thread with a concise table. This will hopefully benefit anyone on this forum who wants to go down the China route from the UK
Thanks in advance, Dom
I know compiling lists is difficult due to companies posting their own reviews, but I think it is easy to work out the fake from the real ones.
I would be grateful if anyone can give a short review of the seller, experience( how long it took, packaging), product they bought, additional charges to their country etc.
If enough people respond, I will update this thread with a concise table. This will hopefully benefit anyone on this forum who wants to go down the China route from the UK
Thanks in advance, Dom
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