Had my bike for 3 months and it’s been riding so well. Power delivery in all modes very smooth and matching rider input. Just so good!!
This evenings ride was a completely different story. The motor kept feeling like it was randomly cutting out. Then on other occasions it would surge in power like it was taking me for a ride with hardly any input.
I switched it off and on, disconnected and reconnected the battery and checked the settings in the app. I also wiped the wheel sensor. Everything seems fine - I am lost as to what is causing this problem?
I did see some other threads about this with similar issues but could not see any solution.
Anyone had this and know how to fix it?
This evenings ride was a completely different story. The motor kept feeling like it was randomly cutting out. Then on other occasions it would surge in power like it was taking me for a ride with hardly any input.
I switched it off and on, disconnected and reconnected the battery and checked the settings in the app. I also wiped the wheel sensor. Everything seems fine - I am lost as to what is causing this problem?
I did see some other threads about this with similar issues but could not see any solution.
Anyone had this and know how to fix it?