Knee/Elbow Pads - User Habits not Which Ones


Apr 13, 2018
Knee pads and spinal protection reduces the risk of a ride stopping injury - the sort of event that involves an uncomfortable carry me out of here experience. Non negotiable protection imho.

Elbow pads are barely noticed whilst riding yet reduce the risk of an annoying injury - peeled back forearms rake weeks to heal. They also encourage tuck and roll fall techniques which seems to reduce wrist injuries .Plus they're sun protection. Most of the time gear for me.

Protecting ribs , wrists , and shoulders is more challenging - you have to weigh the reduced agility / increased risk of having a crash vs the potential benefit from the armour. I'd love to hear a convincing argument, but I can't get enthusiastic about any of the sauna suits out there. Zimm - you mention a right of way tree negotiation - I guess I'd be concerned about the sweat suit spreading the load and fracturing multiple ribs rather than just a couple? A brocken rib is inconvenient, but a flail chest with punctured lung gets a chopper flight . Perhaps it's more about selecting WHERE the ribs break? The further forward the better - less numb chest wall from intercostal nerve damage? I really miss a good back scratch....

I'd love a decent, well ventilated chest, spine and shoulder defence suit - especially if it integrated neck protection. But it might be easier to squeeze myself into a hot cupboard and watch youtube videos whilst the kids throw things at me?
I ride with this Leatt Back and chest protector - I never notice its on when riding, and its a serious bit of kit in terms of protection offered. The do a should version, and full upper body version too, but I find them a bit more restrictive. They integrate with the Leatt neck braces too


E*POWAH Elite World Champion
Feb 16, 2019
Maffra Victoria Australia
I ride with this Leatt Back and chest protector - I never notice its on when riding, and its a serious bit of kit in terms of protection offered. The do a should version, and full upper body version too, but I find them a bit more restrictive. They integrate with the Leatt neck braces too

thanks for the suggestion, how does that cope with hot weather riding? ( over 30 c - anything over 37 c I whimp out) .


Apr 13, 2018
Being based in the UK I cant say I have ever ridden it in anything higher than 25 - you can remove the front chest protector though. It kinda mould to your body, which is what makes it comfy.


The Spirit Level ?️
Sep 28, 2019
Lancashire (Fylde Coast)
And what about wearing the knee/elbow pads with a variety of clothing? In the UK it’ll be under a jacket some of the time, and then optimistically with just a t-shirt for 1 day a year ?


Jun 12, 2019
Brittany, France
thanks for the suggestion, how does that cope with hot weather riding?
One man’s sun protection is another man’s arm warmer

For the upper body, the troy lee 7855 is cooler than the Fox Titan. I wore the Fox Titan all summer except for two rides where it was over 35 and I went out unarmoured and went riding less rocky trails and exploring.

The troy lee fits far better than the Fox Titan. The Titan you forget about it after a few minutes, but it's bulk is slightly restrictive - you don't really notice when you ride, only when you compare it to being unrestricted. The Troy Lee 7855 pulls on like a pull over. It looks small - when it arrived I thought they'd accidentally sent a childs versions. It stretches and fits really well and you do not know it's there at all. It doesn't move about, weighs about the same as a bag of crisps (the titan's considerably heavier) and it breaths really well. All the pads are vented and the main support shell is very breathable and has cutouts where possible. They did a really really nice job designing it and thinking about it. You can pull out all the armour sections individually if you don't want any of them, or to reduce summer heat.

I've not tried the Troy lee in summer yet, but I did try it without a windproof top the other day and almost died of exposure until I'd warmed up - the wind whips through it.

The Fox Titan has extra straps to adjust things and hold things in place, The Troy lee is more compression fit, though with a lot of thought put into extra material to retain things in place. I've not noticed anything move at all on the troy lee, where as the titan I had the forearm/elbow sections slide around in a few crashes - though it had taken the impacts, so I'm not complaining.

Warm days, I wear a light weight decathlon £4 sleeveless running top under the armour. Cold days I wear a £5 decathlon ski base layer under the armour.

The titan I always wear a top over it as you'd look like a crazy armoured samurai man otherwise. The Troy lee you could wear, as is, in Summer.

I've carried a backpack with a chainsaw with both armours and not had any issues. (though getting the straps over the bulky shoulder sections on the titan can be a stretch and a yoga workout)

The fox titan has been EXTENSIVELY crash tested. The Troy lee is relatively new, so doesn't have as many crash miles under it's belt so far. I've not broken any bones whilst wearing either of them (I'm sure it's still possible in the right circumstances though, so don't think you're superman if you wear armour).

I did have one full on disaster day a couple of months back with three very nasty OTB's onto jagged rocks. Anywhere unarmoured was bruised to hell (inside of thighs for instance) and I had some kidney area bruising, presumably just from the force of impact - which was spread over an area with the armour and would most likely have resulted in either another fractured pelvis or some other nastyness !

Ultimately, if it's well designed and thought out, the armours are very effective and not as bad to wear as you'd imagine. I originally, hesitantly, bought the titan just to try out - thinking it would be too bulky/hot/uncomfortable. It wasn't and the Troy lee is in a different league for comfort, fit and heat management.

For knee pads. I have the Sam Lee's and these have been faultless and again, extensively tested. They don't move. They're comfortable. The hard insert forms with body heat. To get them off, you need to roll down the top half and then you can pull them down.

Shin pads, after much research, I settled on some cheap black football ones from sports direct. Again, you don't know they're there and they're very effective at batting away brambles & branches .. trees .. rocks .. angry biting forest dwellers ..


Old Tartan Bollocks
Mar 29, 2018
the internet
I've never worn knee. or elbow protection on a ride except for uplifted DH. I rarely ever wear a hemet though. (For DH I do wear knee pads and a full face)
I just find any sort of protective gear uncomfortable, restrictive and too hot. That goes for gloves, armour and helmets. Backpacks too. (I actually have an Evoc back protector backpack. I've worn it once. To carry 15 cans of beer. I can confirm the back protector protects your spine from uncomfortable beer can knocks.

It's pretty much the norm now to wear kneepads mtbing and loads of folk say to me I'm mental not to They also pretty much always tell me you don't even notice wearing knee pads.. they might be right on the first count but I absolutely do notice them.

If you do buy some, make sure to try on loads, pay particular attention to the fixing/straps and as well as comfort/protection level make sure the straps actually hold the pads in place and won't rotate/fall down. If they even move slightly they're likely to move in a crash. seen far too many folk split knees while wearing armour that moved.


Jun 12, 2019
Brittany, France
It's your lack of professionalism and reluctance to fully commit to any endeavour which is the main reason we struggle to take you seriously ..

Hobbled together, but with some commitment to the task at hand:


Semi serious solution :


Fully committed to the team :


Professional and serious :


How can you have so many bikes and not have a dedicated beer bike ? It's frankly ludicrous ! :)

And to not have a couple of hip flasks duct taped to your knees (for your st-bernard mountain rescue role) .. what are you thinking !

Even @Doomanic is getting on board with the "custom bike theme" with his Mrs friendly Trek Sail :



Old Tartan Bollocks
Mar 29, 2018
the internet
The Evoc bag filled with beer cans actually helps manuals on a heeavy Eeb.
all of your suggestions either make them impossible and none even have a motor to get me home (uphill) after consumption.
Plus fuck ever being seen on a Surly.

I genuinely think I'd have a good shot at 15 can DH world champs
(16 and I tend to hit my head moar than I hit any lines)


Jun 12, 2019
Brittany, France
15 cans and you didn't even share them ! Selfish git ! :)

OK. So - ELECTRIC, because you're lazy and have lost your form and need e-power to get up hills. Super Plus Plus size benny hill tyres - because you just love them. A Third wheel to accommodate your lack of balance after 15 beers. A decent light as it will probably be dark and you'd forget a torch as beer's involved. A super long saddle so you can potentially have a nap on the way back.



Old Tartan Bollocks
Mar 29, 2018
the internet
Balance is actually pretty good after 15. I can still manny. Throw in a few Js and that ability is severely compromised tho.


Aug 11, 2019
Frankfurt - SW London
I think that full armor will give me moar powar!


I actually suck so much at anything I try that I am already plan to brake something in advance of coming back to mbiking..
- Broken ankle - paragliding
- Broken arm - hang-gliding
- Broken palm bone (one and only small one) - snowboarding
- Almost drawn once - don't remember what was doing
- Broken morale and character - first wife
- Broken heart - each other girl I met.
I got ebike from Santa this Christmas and I honestly think about full body armor..
I tried first time ebike ride was with friend on his bikes on black trail and I was twice defeated and on the ground - It was in August and I still have some marks on my rib cage skin..
My new bike show off on my company parking lot almost ended with a crash..
so I decided I need Full face with removable chin, knee pads, elbow pads, some front and back protection, invisiframe for the bike and life insurance for my family.. though I am broke now (I was Santa Claus this year) and thankful for awful weather here in Germany.
So where do we go on the weekend? Pair of jeans, old XC helmet and woolen gloves would need to do the job for now. ;-)


Jul 17, 2019
New Zealand
Just as an aside. When I returned to racing MX in my 30's my wife (ex) was all about me being as protected as possible. Crashed at a SX wearing a Fox Roost and when the straps broke it cut the hell out of me and damned near strangled me - went into the bin then and there. Later on when the Leatt neck protectors came out she bought one for my birthday. My first fall - about 30-30kph on a hairpin corner I tipped over and the Leatt fulcrumed against my helmet and broke my collar bone.
If I was ever to wear body protection it would be something built around closed cell foam with little or no plastic or CF.


Aug 11, 2019
Frankfurt - SW London
Just as an aside. When I returned to racing MX in my 30's my wife (ex) was all about me being as protected as possible. Crashed at a SX wearing a Fox Roost and when the straps broke it cut the hell out of me and damned near strangled me - went into the bin then and there. Later on when the Leatt neck protectors came out she bought one for my birthday. My first fall - about 30-30kph on a hairpin corner I tipped over and the Leatt fulcrumed against my helmet and broke my collar bone.
If I was ever to wear body protection it would be something built around closed cell foam with little or no plastic or CF.

And don’t listen or accept gifts from your wife!
I got previous holidays voucher for helicopter pilot experience flight - nice but I didn’t took it..


Jan 1, 2019
I think that full armor will give me moar powar!

View attachment 24330

I actually suck so much at anything I try that I am already plan to brake something in advance of coming back to mbiking..
- Broken ankle - paragliding
- Broken arm - hang-gliding
- Broken palm bone (one and only small one) - snowboarding
- Almost drawn once - don't remember what was doing
- Broken morale and character - first wife
- Broken heart - each other girl I met.
I got ebike from Santa this Christmas and I honestly think about full body armor..
I tried first time ebike ride was with friend on his bikes on black trail and I was twice defeated and on the ground - It was in August and I still have some marks on my rib cage skin..
My new bike show off on my company parking lot almost ended with a crash..
so I decided I need Full face with removable chin, knee pads, elbow pads, some front and back protection, invisiframe for the bike and life insurance for my family.. though I am broke now (I was Santa Claus this year) and thankful for awful weather here in Germany.
So where do we go on the weekend? Pair of jeans, old XC helmet and woolen gloves would need to do the job for now. ;-)

Post of the year! ?


Founding Member
Feb 3, 2018
I hated knee pads at first, but feel naked without them now. It took about 3 months to get used to them. Too many knocks to the knees over the years so bit the bullet and got a set, and they have saved me numerous times. As for other protection, I always wear gloves, as skin off the hands is very troublesome. Also I always wear a open face helmet, and have had some serious temple skids/knocks with it on, as I always tend to turn my head to avoid face damage. For me it’s about protecting the areas that get impacted the most, whilst keeping as un- restrictive and cool as possible as I ride in hot 30-35 degrees C weather mostly. If it were much much cooler, I’d proberly kit up more, and in turn do more crazy shit.


Jun 12, 2019
Brittany, France
I hated knee pads at first, but feel naked without them now.
whilst keeping as un- restrictive and cool as possible as I ride in hot 30-35 degrees C weather mostly. If it were much much cooler, I’d proberly kit up more,

So basically, the reason why you feel naked without your knee pads, is because you are naked without your knee pads !


The Spirit Level ?️
Sep 28, 2019
Lancashire (Fylde Coast)
I am sooooo glad I’m part of such an amazing community of like-minded athletic intellectuals. Google knows nothing!
I now know:
1. Don’t crash a lot
2. If you do crash a lot, proceed to 3
3. Wear knee pads or elbow pads
4. Or don’t
5. Or choose a combination, it doesn’t matter
6. Spine protectors are after your spleen
7. Full face helmets decapitate
8. Beer is good
9. Beer spine protectors are better
10. Beer downhill is heading to the next olympics
11. Beer Olympic stewards are likely to assess the thrust of rear-facing barrels, and the length of sleep-saddles. Expect rule clarification shortly.

Did I miss anything? @Rob Hancill can you make this sticky please as it WILL save lives.


Founding Member
Feb 3, 2018
So basically, the reason why you feel naked without your knee pads, is because you are naked without your knee pads !
Hate to burst your fantasy bubble of imagining me riding naked. But no, you are once again incorrect. ? I do wear clothes, and for good reason. To keep weirdos like you far far away ?


Wedding Crasher
Nov 5, 2018
Lincolnshire, UK
I didn't use to wear armour becasue I was a beginner at MTB and I didn't want to appear as though I had all the gear (it was obvious I had no idea). What a mistake that was!! I needed protective clothing because I was falling off or crashing into stuff so frequently.

Then the front wheel washed out on a bend and my inside knee hit the ground hard, chipping a piece of bone from the kneecap. I still can't kneel down on a hard surface and that joint does not bend all the way anymore, so no more squatting!

That was a hard lesson, so now I wear knee&shin guards and also elbow guards every time I ride off road. I like Troy Lee Designs Shock Doctor range. They are breathable, comfortable, don't move, are washable and dry quickly. I opted for the knee and shin version for extra protection against pedal strikes but also because there are a lot of brambles and nettles in the woods where I ride.

I still fall off a lot, but now I just get wrenched or winded, not cut, scraped, torn or pierced. I also wear a backpack that provides very good back protection. I once did an over the bars involuntary dismount when descending Jacobs Ladder (steep rocky trail). I did a complete 360 and ended up stood on my feet waiting for the pain to come. Nothing came; this was good because I had to run after my bike which was still cartwheeling down the trail. :LOL:
Last edited:


Apr 28, 2018
East anglia
I didn't use to wear armour becasue I was a beginner at MTB and I didn't want to appear as though I had all the gear (it was obvious I had no idea). What a mistake that was!! I needed protective clothing because I was falling off or crashing into stuff so frequently.

The the front wheel washed out on a bend and my inside knee hit the ground hard, chipping a piece of bone from the kneecap. I still can't kneel down on a hard surface and that joint does not bend all the way anymore, so no ore squatting!

That was a hard lesson, so now I wear knee&shin guards and also elbow guards every time I ride off road. I like Troy Lee Designs Shock Doctor range. They are breathable, comfortable, don't move, are washable and dry quickly. I opted for the knee and shin version for extra protection against pedal strikes but also because there are a lot of brambles and nettles in the woods where I ride.

I still fall off a lot, but now I just get wrenched or winded, not cut, scraped, torn or pierced. I also wear a backpack that provides very good back protection. I once did an over the bars involuntary dismount when descending Jacobs Ladder (steep rocky trail). I did a complete 360 and ended up stood on my feet waiting for the pain to come. Nothing came; this was good because I had to run after my bike which was still cartwheeling down the trail. :LOL:

Us old chaps should not do things like that........But what else can we do for thrills.?
All this rain has resulted in copious quantities of mud which coupled with a huge dump of leaves (the british rail kind) has made local trails like a skid pan resulting in several departures into the undergrowth etc at least the ground is a BIT arent though
Bike and rider into the cold shower after every ride ....roll on summer.


Apr 28, 2018
East anglia
Where in England can we try a range of protection items ...all the LBS have their own favourites. I hate ordering from websites and then returning so a central shop with a reasonable range would be good.
Any suggestions.

craig landau

Active member
Dec 19, 2018
brisbane australia
people have the right to laugh but the way i ride its safer for me to use a full face helmet, knee pads and fingerless gloves, most my spills happen quickly and usually i bump my knees and wrists , have been known to head butt a few trees , i live in qld australia so i ride in 30 deg c heat . better to be safe then loose a few weeks wages at work , i have found the nukeproof knee pads the most confortable and i buy my gloves from trade tools , padded palms

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