Great bike if you love to ride gravity/downhill predominantly. It’ll do everything else no worries but there are more suitable bikes for those kinds of trails.
I love my Kenevo for what I ride and the fact I can take it anywhere makes me happy. I also have a bad back so I appreciate the longer travel.
I’m the same height and run a S4 but I wanted a super stable DH bike. If you want a more playful, poppy bike, defiantly go for a S3. My brother has an S3 and it’s more manoeuvrable.
My lbs guy had one in to demo and he recons its the best trail/enduro fork he’s used , I couldn’t get over the looks . Think they’re stopped trading now anyway.!
I thought you'd love it .. it looks like someone made a fork out of bones .. smashed it to bits and then glued the splintered bits together - perfect .