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Unanswered Hi i bought a Chinese electric bike, wasted my money?


New Member
Jun 22, 2021
I bought the bike knowing that the electric side didn't work, does anyone no if I can buy another motor for it, or is it totally broke?





Fat-tyred Freakazoid
Oct 30, 2018
You'll probably need to give people more info - what make / model is the hub motor and system.

Try posting in the DIY builds section and also have a look a the Endless Sphere forum.


New Member
Jun 22, 2021
Need the voltage of your system and then see if you can put a higher paid commie slave labor country’s motor hub in there.
Then hub spacing. After that maybe we can find you a wheel. But then you’ll ride it and fry something else. Worth a shot.
Its this battery GB/T 369—2018 not sure doest have a voltage init can't I just replace the lot and get an English kit lol

Neeko DeVinchi

E*POWAH Elite World Champion
Dec 31, 2020
We'll be completely honest with you @andybriggs03, we could try and assist you in repairing It but, if you're not familiar with gearless hub motors, it would pose somewhat of a problem (not trying to insult your intelligence).
As mentioned before, if you could take pics of the bike or the controller, we might be able to recommend places you can contact to buy another one (or possibly, a place you can get the phase wires looked at).

Please kindly take pictures of the bike or, provide a link as to where you brought the bike from??

Neeko DeVinchi

E*POWAH Elite World Champion
Dec 31, 2020
I am thinking this may fit it, looks exactly the same to me, maybe I may have to get a bigger battery I dunno?

View attachment 65276
Apologies for the delay @andybriggs03, I haven't forgotten. I'm just waiting to hear of a colleague of mine regarding a controller discrepancy.
According to my research, your ebike is 36v rated. Therefore, your controller will be over-vaulted if we stick a motor rated for a 48+ controller. In addition, I need to make sure that any hub motor I recommend has hall sensors which detects speed. Otherwise, you'll run into connection errors and issues.
I should get a proper understanding by tomorrow so I'll keep you posted.
Dont buy anything yet??

Neeko DeVinchi

E*POWAH Elite World Champion
Dec 31, 2020
Apologies for the delay @andybriggs03, all of my contacts and connections have explained that they are out of stock on 190mm 26" fatbike hub motors.
However, I have done some looking and have found this one on Amazon which is compatible and would work with your current bike.
Here's the thing, provided you are skilled enough/no someone who can lace spokes, this wouldn't be much help to you. Although, Halfords (or any LBS) will usually lace wheels if you sweet talk their mechanics and pay.

In addition, this particular motor is capable of handling up to a 48V battery (provided your controller can handle the amps). Your current controller is set up to take 16amps. This means that with your current set up at full power, you won't achieve the claimed 80nm of torque unless you get a 48v battery and swap out the controller.

As you can imagine, the above is starting to look somewhat expensive (not as expensive as if you run a mid drive motor but you get my point).

The only other option I can think of is for you to get the motor repaired which is possible but it would mean sending it off.

I can provide details of who I would recommend but I can't confirm their fees as it Is usually a case by case matter.

I'll keep searching but let me know if you have any concerns or enquiries??

Naturally, I'll save this thread as part of my watched threads so I can find it easier and I'll update you once one of my contacts yields something.

Neeko DeVinchi

E*POWAH Elite World Champion
Dec 31, 2020
True that @Doomanic. If I were to guess, the previous owner before Andybriggs03 probably opened the motor and messed with something he/she wasn't supposed to.
It's a shame really. As the old saying goes, 'if it ain't broke, don't fix it'.

Usually the motors I've fixed for close friends and/or family have been a result of tampering after they've watched a YouTube video to try and get more power out of their motors. Not realising that hub motors come in different shapes and sizes (geared, gearless, hall sensing, non hall sensing etc).

For the record @andybriggs03, don't think of this as a bad thing. Use this as a learning curve. You'd be surprised how many businesses started due to experiencing issues like this which have cemented themselves as experts in the field.

Nevertheless, I'll strive to assist how ever I can and one way or another, we'll get you back out on the trails??


New Member
Jun 22, 2021
I am going to get that rear motor u recommended off amazon, an buy the controller and another battery at a later date, best thing about this is I will have a backup battery when out wild camping etc etc and this 750w would be ideal.

Can you buy wheel rims what haven't been laced I wouldn't mind some orange ones, (I was going to pay to get them dry coated so if this would be an easier option?

I have just been quoted £30 to do the back wheel so going to order this motor today, I new when I bought the bike that more money would be needed to put in it, I new the motor was damaged so its not a hard hit and at least with your help I'm getting somewhere.
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Neeko DeVinchi

E*POWAH Elite World Champion
Dec 31, 2020
Once again, apologies for the delay @andybriggs03 (work commitments).

I'll need to have an in depth discussion with you so that you buy the correct parts. To answer your last question, no. That rim would not be suitable for your fatbike specific ebike. You'll need a rim which has punched out holes to ensure the best balance of stiffness and durability. In addition, the spokes you will need will have to be 12 gauge.

This evening, I'll do my best to outline in detail what is required to get the bike up and running in a comprehensive manner (it's possible that other members may have experienced the same so I can kill two birds with one stone).

I wont lie to you, you will need to disassemble the bike so you can get access to the controller and wire loom. In addition, any further upgrades you may wish to consider should be taken into consideration at this stage before rebuilding the bike completely.

In anticipation of my instructions, could you remove the dolphin style battery and take a picture so that I can confirm which 48v battery you'll need which is compatible with your frame (I pray you were given keys to remove the battery). Also, can you take a picture of the cadence sensor located around the bottom bracket. I'll need to see whether your bike is using the old 9 magnet external cadence sensor or, if it can be upgraded to either a 12 magnet or a torque sensor bottom bracket.

As for the controller, we'll leave that for later (hell, I can post you a 48v controller easily enough). But I need to know what we can work with and what we can improve to ensure the reliability/durability.

I'll be in touch this evening ??


New Member
Jun 22, 2021
Should have mentioned @andybriggs03, this is my fatbike emtb ?

View attachment 65609

Ordered the motor, in the advert it said motor knackered, they said it need siliconing or something, I new I wanted to upgrade motor etc got it for a decent price, I'm enjoying cleaning it up etc great if we get put in another lockdown lol.

So the battery I need would it fit on the current bracket I have?

They wanted £45 delivery for July 6th delivery date, I paid a fiver for end of July, gives me time to do it all up, swap things out, make it lighter, get it all custom powder coated etc ?


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New Member
Jun 22, 2021
Once again, apologies for the delay @andybriggs03 (work commitments).

I'll need to have an in depth discussion with you so that you buy the correct parts. To answer your last question, no. That rim would not be suitable for your fatbike specific ebike. You'll need a rim which has punched out holes to ensure the best balance of stiffness and durability. In addition, the spokes you will need will have to be 12 gauge.

This evening, I'll do my best to outline in detail what is required to get the bike up and running in a comprehensive manner (it's possible that other members may have experienced the same so I can kill two birds with one stone).

I wont lie to you, you will need to disassemble the bike so you can get access to the controller and wire loom. In addition, any further upgrades you may wish to consider should be taken into consideration at this stage before rebuilding the bike completely.

In anticipation of my instructions, could you remove the dolphin style battery and take a picture so that I can confirm which 48v battery you'll need which is compatible with your frame (I pray you were given keys to remove the battery). Also, can you take a picture of the cadence sensor located around the bottom bracket. I'll need to see whether your bike is using the old 9 magnet external cadence sensor or, if it can be upgraded to either a 12 magnet or a torque sensor bottom bracket.

As for the controller, we'll leave that for later (hell, I can post you a 48v controller easily enough). But I need to know what we can work with and what we can improve to ensure the reliability/durability.

I'll be in touch this evening ??
Your a star mate, cheers, I'm just gunna get these ones powder coated, saves cash lol an nowt wrong with these, plus them in that picture look scratched.

Neeko DeVinchi

E*POWAH Elite World Champion
Dec 31, 2020
Morning @andybriggs03, the controller seems to be rated up to 48v with a amp rating of 15amps.

The controller (in theory) should be able to handle a peak 720wh. However, I am reminded that the controller on your bike was supplied with the 500wh motor installed.

Could you take further pictures of the controller showing the wires protruding out and the type of connectors it uses please?

Traditionally, those types of controllers will either have molex type connectors. If they do, I'll see if I have some spare rather than hunting for new ones ??

Neeko DeVinchi

E*POWAH Elite World Champion
Dec 31, 2020
I've added your number and I'll send you a quick message so we can chat later on.
@andybriggs03, edit your last post and remove your personal contact number. Remember, this is a public thread ?.

As for the images, it's as I thought. The controller does use molex style connectors so I'll rummage through my spare parts to see if I have something suitable.

As for anyone else who stumbles into the thread who has encountered a similar issue, feel free to add on so others (as well as myself) can offer guidance ??

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