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Hi All. Newbie to ebikes... And... it broke. No one seems to be able to help Need new controller


New Member
Aug 9, 2022
Hi All.
Please if any one can help.
I have tried to contact the manufacturer, many companies that sell conversion kits and just parts.
They all tell me cant help and contact the manufacturer.
They wont reply.
I bought a fat tire folding ebike 1000w 48v on aliexpress. Great bike, lots of fun and fits in my car. Got 500 miles on it
Now it wont turn on. Battery is charged, checked all wiring and looks good. Solid connections.

So I want to replace the controller. And the display (would like a color display)
The motor is 1000w hub drive. No name. It has a 9 pin barrel connector.
I dont know the communication protocol it uses or the sign wave. Not sure what else is required to select a controller.

Would like a 20A controller.

Please can anyone help with what I need..
What controller will work for my motor.

The bike is an SMLRO - (buyers beware of this brand.)


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