Trailforks by far the simplest, if you’d lucky you might get the directions needed you only need this as a reference at the trail centers; great to have at a glance. What you will notice is each trail line may have an official name which is good to refer to. Trailforks strength is also its weakness since it only allows stewards of bike parks to get their contributions approved, otherwise it falls into some other type of queue and I don’t see so many ‘off the beat and track’ examples, if there is there generally incomplete
if your looking XC then Kommute is great as you can see ‘highlights’ (photos and descriptions). Hidden at times is openstreetmaps mtb scale data (1-5) Proposed features/mtb:scale - OpenStreetMap Wiki click the usage for a description which will sometimes have a grade for the trail line
Its not an ideal but I’m trying to convert this info and ‘Trailfork’ openstreetmaps data to see if anything pops out, it’s likely to be cack though but might unearth a gem or two
Ive a couple ideas I’m running over with a dev atm, in an ideal world we would all have devices like the ShredMate (which I’ve bought)and we use something like this to record gnarlyness live which then uploads, zero bs that way but would need an app developing to help with this....