Heart attack ride!


May 23, 2022
I’m not sure if you guys remember me posting and asking about snake avoidance, well………

I was out for a ride last night after work. It was about 90 degrees, the clouds were starting to roll in, and it was perfect. At about mile 7 I turned the corner and saw the most bestest of friends. A giant rattle snake across the entire trail and even some of him off the trail. He was at least five feet. I stopped about as fast as I could, thought to myself, “boy am I lucky to see him before I rode over him. What a giant bull snake!” Since we typically see bull snakes and not rattle snakes as much, I’m more used to seeing them. Then my best bed lifted his diamond shaped head, looked at me with his eyes, and it was at that point I realized, this was no bull snake. It was a giant rattle snake. The pattern on it’s back, the head, and a giant rattle on his tail that wasn’t rattling, yet.

Remembering the advice from you guys, I gave him some time to clear the trail. After a few minutes, he slithered into the bush off to the side of the trail, I could hear him moving deeper and deeper off the trail. After about a minute I said, “okay this is it, don’t get scared.” I put the bike in turbo mode, prepped to be in the right gear to ride by as fast as I could. Well no sooner than I thought I was clear, I hear the rattle going off like crazy, a giant his, striking motion sound, then he strikes at me. I remembered my plan of what do if I was to get bit and I focus on not falling of the bike and keep going. After realizing he didn’t get me and I was through, I breathed a sense of relief. Being extremely scared of snakes my entire life I was pumped to have made it through the situation. I was reminding myself, this is part of the experience, it’s going to happen again, and I’m extremely proud of myself for making it through. I had manned up and was pumped!

So about 1/8th of a mile down the trail, I see it’s larger twin brother on the trail. At that moment I didn’t man up. I manned down as fast as I could! I stopped my bike, lifted it up, turned around, and peddled as fast as I could home like a little wimp. Needless to say I didn’t finish my ride yesterday, but my heart rate was high enough as it was.

So today, I’ll be wearing my GoPro, just in case, hit the same trail, and try to get over this stupid fear!


May 23, 2022
Pics or it didn’t happen.

it’s just a worm with a worse bite. I had a rattler as a pet once and as a kid used to keep all snakes as pets. (Until they died from my neglect)

the bro snakes are talking about you right now. Saying ‘bro today I was sunbaithing and this dude on a bike stopped and ran away like a little girl’.
Lol yes they are!


Wedding Crasher
Nov 5, 2018
Lincolnshire, UK
................... A giant rattle snake across the entire trail and even some of him off the trail. He was at least five feet. ........................just in case, hit the same trail, and try to get over this stupid fear!
I don't see being afraid of a five-foot rattlesnake as a stupid fear. It seems quite rational to me, after all the things can kill you. :eek:


E*POWAH Elite World Champion
Jun 5, 2021
La Habra, California
I put the bike in turbo mode, prepped to be in the right gear to ride by as fast as I could. W

Another plan would be to stomp around a lot, make a lot of noise, and go slow so the snake has ample time to retreat. Miss Snake knows she can't eat you, so there's no benefit from a confrontation.


Captain Caption
Jan 4, 2020
Furness, South Cumbria.
I’m not sure if you guys remember me posting and asking about snake avoidance, well………

I was out for a ride last night after work. It was about 90 degrees, the clouds were starting to roll in, and it was perfect. At about mile 7 I turned the corner and saw the most bestest of friends. A giant rattle snake across the entire trail and even some of him off the trail. He was at least five feet. I stopped about as fast as I could, thought to myself, “boy am I lucky to see him before I rode over him. What a giant bull snake!” Since we typically see bull snakes and not rattle snakes as much, I’m more used to seeing them. Then my best bed lifted his diamond shaped head, looked at me with his eyes, and it was at that point I realized, this was no bull snake. It was a giant rattle snake. The pattern on it’s back, the head, and a giant rattle on his tail that wasn’t rattling, yet.

Remembering the advice from you guys, I gave him some time to clear the trail. After a few minutes, he slithered into the bush off to the side of the trail, I could hear him moving deeper and deeper off the trail. After about a minute I said, “okay this is it, don’t get scared.” I put the bike in turbo mode, prepped to be in the right gear to ride by as fast as I could. Well no sooner than I thought I was clear, I hear the rattle going off like crazy, a giant his, striking motion sound, then he strikes at me. I remembered my plan of what do if I was to get bit and I focus on not falling of the bike and keep going. After realizing he didn’t get me and I was through, I breathed a sense of relief. Being extremely scared of snakes my entire life I was pumped to have made it through the situation. I was reminding myself, this is part of the experience, it’s going to happen again, and I’m extremely proud of myself for making it through. I had manned up and was pumped!

So about 1/8th of a mile down the trail, I see it’s larger twin brother on the trail. At that moment I didn’t man up. I manned down as fast as I could! I stopped my bike, lifted it up, turned around, and peddled as fast as I could home like a little wimp. Needless to say I didn’t finish my ride yesterday, but my heart rate was high enough as it was.

So today, I’ll be wearing my GoPro, just in case, hit the same trail, and try to get over this stupid fear!


Active member
Sep 14, 2020
Northern California, USA
They're cool. Rattlers are just as afraid of you as you are of them. I usually see them on the asphalt bike trail that runs along side a river. They feel vibration but they strike at heat, they have terrible eyesight. Once I couldn't resist. There was this big ass one stretched across the trail. He was traveling somewhere. There were several runners and walkers all gawking at it. I was on my road bike doing about 20 mph. The crowd of people saw me approaching and started waving their arms in the air. I ignored them and got up out of the saddle. By the time I got close they were all freaking out. They were now yelling "snake, snake!". You know like I can't see this huge snake stretched across the trail. I clear him by a good 2 feet. My buddy who stopped said that snake kept moving undisturbed. My buddy said "the snake moved on like nothing had happened but those people I think shit their pants".


E*POWAH Elite World Champion
Jun 5, 2021
La Habra, California
Here's a couple of my rattle snake videos. Both are about a minute long. If it sounds like I'm breathing heavily, it's because I've been running, not because I've been bitten and am dying of respiratory arrest. In nearly sixty years, I've only been bitten once by a snake, and that was because I was handling him in an unwise way. Don't surprise 'em, and don't grab 'em.



May 23, 2022
lol you guys are killing me!

Heading out for a ride with the GoPro this time 🤣

I swear after that one ride I haven't been on one without a snake. Yesterday I'm pretty sure it was a baby bull snake, but hard to tell. Only about two feet long and I saw him at a distance. That guy I can deal with.

The day before I went off trail by about two inches and ran over some grass on accident. Instantly heard a rattle and pooped. 💩. Happens I guess.

In all seriousness, snakes are my biggest fear since being a little kid. I love this dang bike though and the riding is so fun, so I've got to get through it. I've been trying to go at times when they won't be out. Lately I've been trying to go around 3p.m. when it's in the 90's, but that doesn't seem to be working either. The days I did see them though it was really really hot, but clouds had moved in. I'm somewhat wondering if it's a sunlight thing that brings them out. Maybe the sun goes away so they think they need to go to hotter surfaces sooner than later. From what I've read going in the morning or evening here isn't going to be great, but at least there will be people on the trail just in case.

It's funny thinking about people with an irrational fear of spiders. I don't get it, they're just spiders. Then I have to remind myself I'm that guy when it comes to snakes.
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New Member
Mar 30, 2022
I’m not sure if you guys remember me posting and asking about snake avoidance, well………

I was out for a ride last night after work. It was about 90 degrees, the clouds were starting to roll in, and it was perfect. At about mile 7 I turned the corner and saw the most bestest of friends. A giant rattle snake across the entire trail and even some of him off the trail. He was at least five feet. I stopped about as fast as I could, thought to myself, “boy am I lucky to see him before I rode over him. What a giant bull snake!” Since we typically see bull snakes and not rattle snakes as much, I’m more used to seeing them. Then my best bed lifted his diamond shaped head, looked at me with his eyes, and it was at that point I realized, this was no bull snake. It was a giant rattle snake. The pattern on it’s back, the head, and a giant rattle on his tail that wasn’t rattling, yet.

Remembering the advice from you guys, I gave him some time to clear the trail. After a few minutes, he slithered into the bush off to the side of the trail, I could hear him moving deeper and deeper off the trail. After about a minute I said, “okay this is it, don’t get scared.” I put the bike in turbo mode, prepped to be in the right gear to ride by as fast as I could. Well no sooner than I thought I was clear, I hear the rattle going off like crazy, a giant his, striking motion sound, then he strikes at me. I remembered my plan of what do if I was to get bit and I focus on not falling of the bike and keep going. After realizing he didn’t get me and I was through, I breathed a sense of relief. Being extremely scared of snakes my entire life I was pumped to have made it through the situation. I was reminding myself, this is part of the experience, it’s going to happen again, and I’m extremely proud of myself for making it through. I had manned up and was pumped!

So about 1/8th of a mile down the trail, I see it’s larger twin brother on the trail. At that moment I didn’t man up. I manned down as fast as I could! I stopped my bike, lifted it up, turned around, and peddled as fast as I could home like a little wimp. Needless to say I didn’t finish my ride yesterday, but my heart rate was high enough as it was.

So today, I’ll be wearing my GoPro, just in case, hit the same trail, and try to get over this stupid fear!
Count yourself fortunate to actually see one in the wild, most people don't. I've come across a few here. I'ts odd but you get kind of star struct when seeing one suddenly in front of you. I kite foil and have had similar ruins with sharks, which I use to have a deep fear of. I hit a few sharks last year at full speed (20 mph), falling into the water and wondering if I had pissed them off. Haven't been bit though. The sharks always moved off.

I've come as close to venomous snakes here too and so far they have always moved off, well, except for one Coral snake which had the misfortune of coming right at me from an old wood pile I was moving. I was holding a shovel and it didn't end well for the snake.

It's a personal decision however whether you will use discretion and reverse course to avoid it or continue on your path. You didn't get injured so both choices worked. Well done.


New Member
Mar 30, 2022
lol you guys are killing me!

Heading out for a ride with the GoPro this time 🤣

I swear after that one ride I haven't been on one without a snake. Yesterday I'm pretty sure it was a baby bull snake, but hard to tell. Only about two feet long and I saw him at a distance. That guy I can deal with.

The day before I went off trail by about two inches and ran over some grass on accident. Instantly heard a rattle and pooped. 💩. Happens I guess.

In all seriousness, snakes are my biggest fear since being a little kid. I love this dang bike though and the riding is so fun, so I've got to get through it. I've been trying to go at times when they won't be out. Lately I've been trying to go around 3p.m. when it's in the 90's, but that doesn't seem to be working either. The days I did see them though it was really really hot, but clouds had moved in. I'm somewhat wondering if it's a sunlight thing that brings them out. Maybe the sun goes away so they think they need to go to hotter surfaces sooner than later. From what I've read going in the morning or evening here isn't going to be great, but at least there will be people on the trail just in case.

It's funny thinking about people with an irrational fear of spiders. I don't get it, they're just spiders. Then I have to remind myself I'm that guy when it comes to snakes.
If you are seeing that many snakes per ride, you may want to consider riding with these: I use similar snake gaiters when trimming the wild part of my property here in Florida. You can't see the snakes in the underbrush until it's too late. These pretty much cover the area were a snake is most likely to hit when it strikes.


New Member
Mar 30, 2022
If you are seeing that many snakes per ride, you may want to consider riding with these: I use similar snake gaiters when trimming the wild part of my property here in Florida. You can't see the snakes in the underbrush until it's too late. These pretty much cover the area were a snake is most likely to hit when it strikes.
Ahh... I can't post a link to amazon here. Just search up 'snake gaiters' and you will see what I'm talking about.


Active member
Sep 14, 2020
Northern California, USA
lol you guys are killing me!

Heading out for a ride with the GoPro this time 🤣

I swear after that one ride I haven't been on one without a snake. Yesterday I'm pretty sure it was a baby bull snake, but hard to tell. Only about two feet long and I saw him at a distance. That guy I can deal with.

The day before I went off trail by about two inches and ran over some grass on accident. Instantly heard a rattle and pooped. 💩. Happens I guess.

In all seriousness, snakes are my biggest fear since being a little kid. I love this dang bike though and the riding is so fun, so I've got to get through it. I've been trying to go at times when they won't be out. Lately I've been trying to go around 3p.m. when it's in the 90's, but that doesn't seem to be working either. The days I did see them though it was really really hot, but clouds had moved in. I'm somewhat wondering if it's a sunlight thing that brings them out. Maybe the sun goes away so they think they need to go to hotter surfaces sooner than later. From what I've read going in the morning or evening here isn't going to be great, but at least there will be people on the trail just in case.

It's funny thinking about people with an irrational fear of spiders. I don't get it, they're just spiders. Then I have to remind myself I'm that guy when it comes to snakes.
Remember snakes are reptiles. Heat good, cold go hibernate.


Well-known member
Mar 2, 2021
I saw a snake across the trail the other day, small guy, nothing dangerous like a rattler, however it was all across the trail at the bottom of a hill. I saw it really last minute, no time to stop… So I went for Bunny Up attempt . Probably one of my good ones at 1 inch off the ground 🙄
I turned around and came back to see that the little guy seemed ok as he was moving away from the trail 😇


Oct 11, 2019
Melbourne, Australia
unless you’re in Australia. Their snakes chase people just because they can.
That hardly EVER happens. They generally hear you coming and try to get away. Just as well because almost all types of snake here are venomous. There is one exception though: the tiger snake can sometimes get aggressive.


Jun 22, 2021
I was nearly crapping myself just reading that. Can't they go about 30 MPH? Living in the UK I'm not likely to see one of them :)


New Member
Mar 30, 2022
That hardly EVER happens. They generally hear you coming and try to get away. Just as well because almost all types of snake here are venomous. There is one exception though: the tiger snake can sometimes get aggressive.
Yep, In Florida we have Cottonmouth snakes (aka Water Moccasins). Very venomous. Very territorial. If you end up in their territory they have been known to become aggressive and chase people. Probably the only snake I've heard of to do that here.


Jan 18, 2022
Heathcote NSW Australia
You don't worry about them.. I recon
Browns, turn and run depending on the season, red belly black avoid & keep riding they may kill you but are not aggressive, taipans, adders not generally in my area. Yes, I carry compression bandages but have only ever used them for sprains etc.
There is more chance of being hit crossing the road. Most Aussies won't see snakes in the wild.

Poor Harry (yes he is a friend) had a lapse in concentration, he is older and prone to that. Went to pat a goanna while in the Royal, it nearly degloved a finger but that was OK. The blood poisoning associated with the bite put him in intensive care for a few days and his hospital stay wat just over 2 weeks.
The snakes are not worth worrying about, they just require awareness,
I ride In the Royal National Park area in the Sydney area and have been lucky enough to see a heap of animals.
Come over & have a look.

Another One

Active member
Feb 28, 2022
London / Wakefield
lol you guys are killing me!

Heading out for a ride with the GoPro this time 🤣

I swear after that one ride I haven't been on one without a snake. Yesterday I'm pretty sure it was a baby bull snake, but hard to tell. Only about two feet long and I saw him at a distance. That guy I can deal with.

The day before I went off trail by about two inches and ran over some grass on accident. Instantly heard a rattle and pooped. 💩. Happens I guess.

In all seriousness, snakes are my biggest fear since being a little kid. I love this dang bike though and the riding is so fun, so I've got to get through it. I've been trying to go at times when they won't be out. Lately I've been trying to go around 3p.m. when it's in the 90's, but that doesn't seem to be working either. The days I did see them though it was really really hot, but clouds had moved in. I'm somewhat wondering if it's a sunlight thing that brings them out. Maybe the sun goes away so they think they need to go to hotter surfaces sooner than later. From what I've read going in the morning or evening here isn't going to be great, but at least there will be people on the trail just in case.

It's funny thinking about people with an irrational fear of spiders. I don't get it, they're just spiders. Then I have to remind myself I'm that guy when it comes to snakes.
Come on you have been told before Pictures or it did not happen.:)


Wedding Crasher
Nov 5, 2018
Lincolnshire, UK
I don't see many snakes in the UK, in fact I think we only have two in the wild the Adder (black zig-zag down its back) and the Grass Snake (green mostly but with black side markings). Both will bite but the Adder is the only one that is poisonous. But the bite from a Grass Snake might give you an infection, not sure.

We have a patio that is paved with 18" x 24" slabs and there are mice that live underneath feeding off what falls from the bird table. Occasionally we get a Grass Snake hunting for those mice (and the frogs in the pond on the other side of that wall). Look at this one; why does it have its tail down one of the gaps? This one looks about 2' long, but we had one twice as long a few years ago. I found it dead in the road the following day, allowing me to measure it.

Grass Snake.jpg


E*POWAH Elite World Champion
Feb 16, 2019
Maffra Victoria Australia
. Look at this one; why does it have its tail down one of the gaps?

It's a distraction technique - getting the photographer to focus on the tail so he / she doesn't notice it getting ready to strike ( looking directly with head down so it can judge the distance properly.....) Sorry, I couldn't resist.....

Do they leap / fly like our tree snakes ? Or perhaps just getting ready to " bridge" - brace in the crack so it can stretch up the wall.


Wedding Crasher
Nov 5, 2018
Lincolnshire, UK
It's a distraction technique - getting the photographer to focus on the tail so he / she doesn't notice it getting ready to strike ( looking directly with head down so it can judge the distance properly.....) Sorry, I couldn't resist.....

Do they leap / fly like our tree snakes ? Or perhaps just getting ready to " bridge" - brace in the crack so it can stretch up the wall.
to my knowledge they definitely do not leap (or fly), never heard of it in my long life anyway. The "brace in the crack" proposal is I think a very good one. My wife took the pic and then stopped watching for a while, then it was gone. So, we don't know what happened next.


Wedding Crasher
Nov 5, 2018
Lincolnshire, UK
Snakes not having feet like to have control when they’re on completely flat surfaces. When they’re anchored in they are harder/more dangerous to catch. I know this because I generally catch every snake I see since I was a kid. This clearly runs in my blood because when my daughter was 4 she jumped out of a stroller to run after a water moccasin with zero fear, after never before seeing a snake in the wild. (I kept a rattler in a glass tank in her bedroom when she was an infant and we’d watch it play with cute little mice).

-yes I know I’m not normal. My daughter is now an adult and she’s hella cool like me. 🍻
Just read this after @Pdoz 's post. Anchoring in or bracing seem to me to be a very acceptable explanation for the tail down the crack question.

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