Hard to support lbs....


May 28, 2018
Just picked up a new cassette and chain from Evans today, 8000 both and instantly price matched without me asking chain reaction.
Forgot gear inner cables tho so went local and wanted £6.99 each, I'm not tight but on principle told em nae!!!!
This shops on my doorstep and would use it a lot but not gonna pay retail.
These shops need to try a bit harder.


May 28, 2018
Well at least I'm keeping brits in a job.
But I've just ordered 20 inner cables for less than a tenner UK aswell.


E*POWAH Master
Feb 11, 2019
Read up on him, the issue is what kind of job. Anyway we all personally do what we’re comfortable with.


May 28, 2018
Don't get ya, not interested.
Just pissin & moaning cos I've got an lbs on my door who are missing a trick.
Get yer own thread going if y got issues elsewhere.


Old Tartan Bollocks
Mar 29, 2018
the internet
How well do you know your LBS?

A fiver for a loose standard gear inner isn't all that unusual in any lbs so a carded better quality one may well cost you £7... It's the fact they have to pay staff, rent, bills etc all 12 months of the year when quite a few of those months they might be treading water. An LBS (especially smaller local ones simply can't compete with online prices and stay afloat. Think of it as paying for a service and the higher price because of convenience. Get to know the staff/owner and if they're decent they can be invaluable in times of need (or just with helpful advice etc.)

Maybe they did miss a trick not offering you (a prospective new regular customer with an expensive Emtb) the cable for less. Did you ask for it cheaper? or just say "Nae" with no feedback ?
Personally i'd explain I couldn't match online prices but would offer to knock something off as a good will gesture to help you out.


Oct 9, 2018
Clapham, London
My guy in Surrey I used to go to for everything was finding very much the same thing. He's helped me out in times of need before, so I really have no issue paying a bit more. And he usually fits it for a pack of biscuits :)

He can't price match anything with his buying power, despite heavily discounting everything. It's sad but in the internet era a bikeshop needs to differentiate themselves with exceptional customer service then no-one minds paying extra. Take Berkshire Cycles for example.

Sadly with the power of the internet it's becoming easier to find out how to service your bike, none of it's too hard. It's really all a question of what you value your time at. For most stuff, I haven't the time!

I guess you pay a 'need it now' tax if you do need it now otherwise, we all just go online when we can.

Chris @ Berkshire Cycles is probably not the cheapest on peripherals but from what I saved on my bike off RRP and the deal he did me on the other bits I have no issue paying RRP for anything from him. I also buy from Nirvana in Surrey and some stuff online. Any LBS worth their salt and that wants to flourish really needs to follow Berkshire's customer service model.


May 28, 2018
Where I buy my moto enduro gear Endurotek, I never ask.
I know they look after me without asking and I know they're making a living, it's more than just a bike shop, it's crack.
I've bought a few times from the shop in question and mostly at rrp.
As mentioned it's the need it now tax, in fact a couple of my customers call them retail +10%
It just got me that the dudes at Evans checked for a match without asking yet one on my door is top dollar and when I said nae I'll get em online didn't try, even tho I'd shown interest in buying a new bike the other week.
I wouldn't mind paying a bit more to keep it local but not top dollar.
And it's not a small shop by any means btw.


Oct 9, 2018
Clapham, London
Well since Sports Direct took on Evan's they have taken a massive shift in Customer Service. For the better IMHO. Before they seemed like they couldn't give a toss. Whatever your opinion of Mike Ashley, Evans have gotten a lot better in the wake of competition and under his tenure. Would I buy a bike from them? No. Do I sometimes get bits and bobs? Yes.

I agree though your LBS don't seem bothered and I wouldn't feel bad not supporting them!


E*POWAH Master
Mar 30, 2019
I watched MPs questioning Mike Ashley, on the whole he came over as a genuine passionate guy, who’s focus is to not let the high street go to shit. He gave Sports Direct staff the chance to vote on zero hours contracts, and the majority voted in favour. Clearly he employs some questionable methods and is no saviour, but I don’t think he’s quite the blood sucking vampire the media try to make out...

I tend to use my LBS for mechanical parts/work, Evans for bits I’m after immediately, and the internet for deals plus niche products.
Last edited:


Aug 14, 2019
Lots of places are closing. Where I live, the majority of the banks have quit, and they are the ones who have all (if not, most) of our money! If a bank can't survive in a town, when they themselves have encouraged an awful lot of us to bank online, how is a cycle shop to maintain it's foot fall?

Newspapers - I've not bought one in years. Why? I simply read what i wish to read online. News papers will drum up stories, regardless of their political pursuasion, in order to simply sell print, whether that be in paper or an online format. The world is changing fast in how we as customers, chose to spend our money.

My LBS - complete a*se. Not just my opinion neither.. survives on bike rental alone, to the minions that visit the forest.

Online - using them more and more as we the consumer, can get a 'better' deal.

However, should i be in real need... and another LBS has closed, due to not serving their customers 'better'... where do I go, to pay that willing premium, to get the solution I'm desperately needing? Just because i own an ebike, I certainly dont expect a red carpet upon my arrival, nor a fluffer waiting out back for me.
I chose the bike. I chose to travel 2 hours to collect it. To date, thankfully I've not needed them, however they will get their chance to wow me, if I'm needing their service. If I am disappointed, I've found another, more local, who couldn't do enough for me, when I called in, simply because I was passing. It might be cheaper to pay the dealer surcharge, or whatever it is, you wish to call it, having not made my initial purchase with them. Perhaps that could even be forgotten about, to encourage that I return, to spend more of my hard earned, with them. Only they know that. Customer service has to be key. Neither, so far have overly disappointed me. Again, I have that choice.

I dont envy any bike shop owner, as with today's diverse society, we all need something similar, yet it's all, so very different.

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