Mission Control Frequent Bluetooth Disconnects (iOS 14)


Well-known member
Dec 3, 2019
Lörrach, Germany
Hey guys...

Im in the process of upgrading a couple of things on my 2020 Levo and wanted to try the new OTA updates. Im trying to set up a stable connection to Mission Control (newest version) over my iPhone X (everything updated here too) and am failing miserably... ?

The damn thing connects, then just disconnects after 3-60 secs - that’s about the only thing “stable” about the whole process. I can reconnect repeatably after doing a restart of both phone and bike, only for them to disconnect again. I think I’m beginning to hear them both laughing about me by now... ?

I believe this whole mess started with iOS 14 as the connection was somehow working before, not perfect by any means, but still OKish. I removed the COVID app as well btw, with no effect. Of course I will not even dare to start any firmware upgrade with this situation.

Any ideas?


Active member
Jan 10, 2021
Brampton Ontario
Do you have a Covid-19 tracking app running on your phone?

I had the exact same issue trying to connect/update firmware with my Android phone.

After I removed the application from my phone every worked perfect.


Well-known member
Jul 7, 2020
As with a lot of things your iPhone will be looking for the strongest signal and so might be bouncing between 2.4 and 5Ghz. In settings/WiFi ignore other signals that appear.

Any apps that are using your location could also be causing issues.

Shut down as many background apps that you can.

Make sure that the bike is not trying to connect to other nearby devices.


Well-known member
Dec 3, 2019
Lörrach, Germany
Do you have a Covid-19 tracking app running on your phone?

I had the exact same issue trying to connect/update firmware with my Android phone.

After I removed the application from my phone every worked perfect.

I removed the app completely, made a cold reboot and still the same.

As with a lot of things your iPhone will be looking for the strongest signal and so might be bouncing between 2.4 and 5Ghz. In settings/WiFi ignore other signals that appear.

Any apps that are using your location could also be causing issues.

Shut down as many background apps that you can.

Make sure that the bike is not trying to connect to other nearby devices.

Not sure why WiFi would have *any* effect on Bluetooth, but I realised that sometimes the phone loses its wireless connection at the same time Mission Control disconnects. I tried disabling wireless, I removed VPN, but still the same BS... ?


Well-known member
Dec 3, 2019
Lörrach, Germany
Make sure that the bike is not trying to connect to other nearby devices.

Thank you very much sir, that seemed to be the problem finally! ? I discovered that my Garmin 1030 that was sitting only a couple of meters away was trying to know it better than me and was interfering in my humble attempts to update my bike. After shutting it down completely it started to work as usual.

I’m wondering if it’s doing the same when I talk to my wife? Then I would understand certain things... ?

I need a beer now... ?


Well-known member
Jul 7, 2020
Glad to be of help.

The Bluetooth and WiFi thing is to do with the phone searching and it’s limited ability. Even though the iPhone X is good we can inadvertently ask too much of it and it is desperate to second guess us and please us. Sometimes you just have to go minimalism and give it a good talking to.

When things drop out like this it is so often because of conflicts so simply remove them.

Enjoy the ?

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