Forest of Dean Trail info sought


Active member
Jul 7, 2019
South West, UK
A few days ago I noticed what looked like an official FODMTB notice board a few metres from Speech House Road as you drive into Broadway. The signs that show one dot, two dot and 3 dot warnings and gradings. There also appeared to be some tabletop jumps. I didn't have time to investigate so I wondered if some local expert could advise. Are there sanctioned trails in that area or are the notices just for the table top jumps?



E*POWAH Elite World Champion
Apr 28, 2018
Forest of Dean
A few days ago I noticed what looked like an official FODMTB notice board a few metres from Speech House Road as you drive into Broadway. The signs that show one dot, two dot and 3 dot warnings and gradings. There also appeared to be some tabletop jumps. I didn't have time to investigate so I wondered if some local expert could advise. Are there sanctioned trails in that area or are the notices just for the table top jumps?

I think that may be the area known as Broadwell Bumps , just up the road from The Recycling Centre
It's an official jump park , but it's quite small
It has graded tabletops , jumps and bomb holes
It's worth an hours playtime if you're in the vacinity but wouldn't drive there specifically.
There's several black/ red unofficial trails on the same side of the road about a KM or two away which are a bit gnarly and you could winch and plummet them all day ,but you ideally need local knowledge.
On the other side of the main road up by the jump park you are in the section above the cycle center
If you carry on across the road and look for a fireroad about 200 mtrs down to the right , just above the recycling center, you will come to some of the trickier DH runs
That whole section is the main mtb area with trails left and right, keep heading north and you'll pick up the way marked official trails
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Active member
Jul 7, 2019
South West, UK
Thanks for that. I do know my way around there reasonably well, Supercross, Y2K etc. but the reason I asked about that area is because I feel sure that I have seen no riding signs and no riding marked on maps specifically on that side of Speech House Road. So no reasonably easy (Blue) trails then. Shame.



E*POWAH Elite World Champion
Apr 28, 2018
Forest of Dean
I'm not aware of any 'no riding" restrictions
In that area apart from the wildlife sanctuaries
There aren't any official blue Trails in that area but there's loads of blue grade stuff over there
It's also a nice link up section between Dowies and the main Cycle Center trails
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Active member
Jul 7, 2019
South West, UK
Now I think about it I believe the restrictions are a little further over toward Ellwood. I know that if you ride out of the park towards Ellwood you see a "no riding" sign (I noticed it for the first time the other day) but if you are coming in the other direction I don't recall seeing anything. I think it's some kind of nature reserve. Shame because it's a convenient and interesting route, mostly single track, between Cannop bike centre and Dowies. It is however clearly marked as "footpath" so it's not surprising there are restrictions.



E*POWAH Elite World Champion
Apr 28, 2018
Forest of Dean
Yes there are a couple of no go wildlife areas , which is a shame cos they are beauts
I've walked them to scope them out

One goes from the Tramway opposite the Stone masons depot at the bottom of Cannop Ponds to Whitemead in Parkend just below Dowies
The other is higher up between The Quarry and Dowies
There are some cheeky ways through though , all blueish grade ?


Active member
Jul 7, 2019
South West, UK
I have ridden that way several times but the other day was the first time I noticed the no riding sign. I rode it but when I came across some walkers, the first time ever I might add, I got off and pushed. It's far more interesting than either the family trail or the road so I'm a little conflicted about what to do from now on now I know.

Do you know of any more Blue trails. I've done Shuttcastle and Dowies. I've also been up to Mallards Pike but found those a bit challenging for me. I think I did one called Razorback. I've also had a look at Dr Johns but seemed to run out of trail and couldn't for the life of me find the turn a third of the way down and ended up at the road. I even walked back up to look without much success.

I'm headed up there tomorrow but looking for new ground. I have got out of my depth a couple of times following trails marked as Blue on Trail Forks that turned out to be anything but. I also note that Y2K has been given 3 dots despite it being shown at one time as Blue suggesting that Trail Forks is NOT the best source of information.



E*POWAH Elite World Champion
Apr 28, 2018
Forest of Dean
I know the whole area really well , I've done about 9000km exploring here on an Ebike in the last 5 yrs and many more thousands pedaling the hard way for 10 yrs previous to that
There are loads of blue unnoficial trails which are great fun inc around Mallards
Dr Jon's isn't far from Mallards and I know it well
loads of other similar stuff in rarley ridden areas as well
Im happy to show you around , more than happy to ride blue trails as Im sometimes a bit challenged health-wise ( early onset Parkinson's Disease ) balance and eye to hand co-ordination are a bit shot but otherwise pretty fit
It's almost a relief to ride Blues ?
No problem putting a loop together or sessioning an area
PM me in a wk or two if you want a tour
Tweaked my back today so probably won't be out this weekend

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