Dutchie going Emtb enduro


New Member
Mar 22, 2021
Hello everyone,

Terible english, but we will probably manage. I like riding bikes. Especialy mtb, after 10 years off supermoto.
After some time added a road bike to enjoy cycling even broader. After put in some work got fit enough to take part in dutch belgium xc marathons. I a busy live always looking to combine training. In this way i tried a speed pedelec from Klever.
At the same time starting trips to mountains in Belgium, Germany, France, Spain, Italy, Autria and Zwitserland. Try combining it with a visit to a World Cup race.
Just got into bikes deeper and deeper and developed a passion. I am an engineer so also technically developed and started to upgrade and build my own bikes. Tested all kinds off parts.
The Klever was not a succes realy because off the lack off challenge and or versatality. But commuting on my spark rc or race prept foil is also not ideal.
After riding some bikeparks with the xc bike and build up experiences i started researching enduro bikes and setups and also Ebikes and components.
All of this brought me to the idea to build it all myself and ther i found all different kind of "cheebs"
I had some options next to the e10, but in the end Robs test and a the fact i could not defend 1000 euro,s difference on other options i decided to order a e10.
Allthough not finished yet, very exited to go riding this beast off mine.
Goal off use: commuting, urban fun, bikepark and mountain adventures. Maybe some racing in the future..... will see how it will develope.

Cheers Udo


E*POWAH Elite World Champion
Feb 28, 2018
Oregon USA
Hi Udo!

Let me just say that your English is levels above my Dutch and I live about a half a world away from you on Cape Meares, Oregon.

But a nice clean build in any language is a joy to behold. Can't wait to see some pics of it flying down the trail!

Best of luck with your program, it sounds very ambitious and welcome to the forum there are some decent blokes on here and good info sharing for the most part.

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