Difference Between BOSCH CX vs Cargo Line Motor


New Member
Apr 9, 2024
Boston, MA
Recently warrantied my Bosch CX motor and was sent a Bosch Cargo Line Motor. The motors look identical besides the plastic plate that says Bosch Cargo Line instead of the CX. From the small amount of research I was able to do it looks like they weigh the same but the Cargo has a 400% assistance while the CX motor has a 340% assistance level. Another difference I was able to find was the start up behavior on Bosch website with the motor specs. The CX motor has a sporty start up behavior while the Cargo motor has a powerful start up behavior. Wondering if the Cargo motor is basically the Race motor since it also has a 400% assistance but comes in the heavier CX motor casing? Wondering if the Cargo motor has different software or different modes? I'm emailing my warranty contact and making sure if this was an error or not on the warranty department sending the Cargo motor instead of the CX motor and seeing if they tell me some info on the differences if there are some. Will update this post once I find out some info


New Member
Jul 19, 2024
Norway, Oslo
I have very little experience with the Cargo Line, but I once had a CargoLine gen4 in my hands with a workshop ibd-dongle,. My experience is that the Cargo Line motor does not have the eMTB or Auto mode as the CX motor have. The motor was a 45km/h version so I returned it as I want 25km/h version - so I did not dig deep in to try to solve it.

For my usage - I do not care if it is a Cargo or CX, but the eMTB mode is on the must-have-list. So please check that out if this mode is important to you.

edit: and double check my experience is correct. I also once have had a motor CXgen2 that could not easily update to eMTB mode, so it can be vendor specific settings in the software in the motor


New Member
Aug 7, 2024
Recently warrantied my Bosch CX motor and was sent a Bosch Cargo Line Motor. The motors look identical besides the plastic plate that says Bosch Cargo Line instead of the CX. From the small amount of research I was able to do it looks like they weigh the same but the Cargo has a 400% assistance while the CX motor has a 340% assistance level. Another difference I was able to find was the start up behavior on Bosch website with the motor specs. The CX motor has a sporty start up behavior while the Cargo motor has a powerful start up behavior. Wondering if the Cargo motor is basically the Race motor since it also has a 400% assistance but comes in the heavier CX motor casing? Wondering if the Cargo motor has different software or different modes? I'm emailing my warranty contact and making sure if this was an error or not on the warranty department sending the Cargo motor instead of the CX motor and seeing if they tell me some info on the differences if there are some. Will update this post once I find out some info
Managed to find out what the difference is CX vs Cargo?

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