Was just stopped by two PCSO’s outside a hospital in London, cycling slowly as was going to use the cash point there. Rang my bell behind the two PCSO’s so we could pass. We can’t have been cycling more than 4mph. There were no other people on the 3m wide pavement. They threatened us with a £50 fixed penalty if we didn’t get off our bikes. After a bit of a chat, we both dismounted and carried on our way. When I got home I checked the law. The pavement we were on has about 50 bike racks all along it. It is an offence to drive a carriage on any path next to a road that is intended for pedestrians. However, when FPN’s were introduced, it was clearly stated that FPN’s are not to be issued to responsible cyclists. Surely the pavement is considered multiple use if there are bike racks all along it? The FPSO’s were rude and aggressive. I am glad I have checked the law, but anyone else had any run ins with PCSO’s when cycling?