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Chain and cassette problem on turbo levo


Mar 29, 2022
Hello all you smart People 😊

I have resently put a new Chain and cassette on my 2020 levo, my problem is when i am putting pressure (uphill) the chain jumps, like the cassette or chain is worn, but they are new. The problem is only in 1 gear only, Can i do something or should i try new and better Chain and cassette.


Mar 29, 2022
Thanks for all replies 😊

It is gear 5 and only gear 5, That is whats weird, cassette and chain is some Weird brand, cheap ones i tried, and maybe that is the problem, mech ganger has been checked, its fine.

Amber Valley Guy

New Member
Oct 15, 2023
I had a similar problem, new chain, only 3mm and a bit stretch over 60" on the old chain, so naff all, but the new chain catched / refused to play nicely in 8th. I played with the mech screws and eventually found a position that was better but in no way perfect, it would still catch the larger sprocket above in certain places and skip a sprocket. So I pulled out my trusty vernier and measured the chains width, lo and behold it was plus 0.15mm over width in about 1/3 of it's length (measured at the rivets). That's probably the problem, the tolerances on 12 speed are so tight. Luckily for me, after about 20 miles or so, it bedded in, and I've never had such quick gear changes before. I truly believe factory mech set up isn't that great, it's 'near enough' but not optimal.

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