can't make decision


New Member
Apr 28, 2019
Hi forum, I'm in a pain, so hopefully you can help me. I'm deeply fascinated by ebikes. but can't decide if I have the demand when it comes to it.

I'm 46 and have been biking since I was say 10 years old to school, high school, university and work for the last 13 years. I live in Copenhagen which is very flat. I love the idea to kill of all the tours going against the wind or +7 km with an ebike and I feel I can explore many new areas. That's a way I love to bike around. Explore. And I just love the looks of the new ebikes. But all my friends and family thinks it is a stupid idea to buy an ebike and in my daily routines I don't need it. Now I have ordered a Cube Cross SL which is fine for my need, but I'm still in doubt if I will regret this decision and just buy an ebike because it could be so much fun. Anyone been in a similar dilemma?

dirt huffer

E*POWAH Master
Dec 3, 2018
I did worry for a second what ppl would think, but once I got one I've had friends and family ride it and they now want to get one. Even my Dad who hasn't road a bicycle in 30 years wants one.

I still ride my road bike and regular mountain bikes. But on days it's super windy, where I'd normally ride my road bike, I grab my eMTB and head straight into the wind pumping out 18-20mph ? and pass roadies

I would call around and see if any local shops are having demo days so you can check a few different ebikes out to see if it's for you


New Member
May 4, 2019
If that itch is there now it isn't going to go away until you scratch it.

I had a toss up between a Process 153 dl or an ebike last year and the Process won, six months later I sold the Process as I could do everything the Process could do on my Honzo. I've now bought an ebike which is what I should have done originally, yes I can still do everything the ebike can do on the Honzo except I'll have a huge grin on my face instead of a grimace.

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