The bike is the Stereo Hybrid 140SLX. I bought this bike less than 4 weeks ago and I have experienced random shutoffs during riding, mostly when going uphill. When it shuts down the solution is just to remove the battery and put it back in and it works fine till the end of the ride. When it happens and come home I clean the contacts with a qtip and isopropyl alcohol. It then seems to work for about 70-100km and the cyle repeats. I also see the connector has some slight play in the battery tray, but I guess this is normal, not sure. The connectors seem pretty worn out for such a new bike.
Did anybody have the same issues and how you solved it? Or do you have any ideas how to clean the contacts properly for good?
Thanks for all suggestions.
Did anybody have the same issues and how you solved it? Or do you have any ideas how to clean the contacts properly for good?
Thanks for all suggestions.